Atrophic colpitis - treatment

Atrophic colpitis occurs in women in the postmenstrual period and is an inflammation of the vaginal tissues and changes in its mucosa. In gynecology, this disease occurs in 40 percent of patients. As a rule, atrophied colpitis manifests itself 5-6 years after the onset of natural or artificial menopause.

Causes of atrophic colpitis in gynecology

The main cause of the disease is a lack of estrogen, which happens as a result of physiological aging of the body or appears against the background of artificial menopause. Deficiency of the female hormone is accompanied by a lesion of the vaginal epithelium, a decreased secretion of the vagina. Dystrophy of the mucous membrane of the vagina, its increased dryness and vulnerability are also observed.

Because of the change in the vaginal biocenosis, the conditionally pathogenic microflora is disrupted, and pathogenic bacteria enter the internal genital organs, against which strong inflammatory processes of the vaginal mucosa may develop.

Also, the appearance of this disease can provoke frequent sexual acts, non-observance of hygiene of the genitals, wearing synthetic linen, the use of soap and other hygiene products with a strong odor.

It is possible that atrophic colpitis may appear after delivery. This is due to the fact that the woman's immunity is weakened, she had not had a month's period for more than a year, that is, there was a kind of irregularity in menstrual function.

Symptoms of atrophic colpitis

Atrophic colpitis, as a rule, occurs without certain symptoms, so a woman may not immediately notice the appearance of the disease. But there are cases when this disease is represented by the following symptoms:

How to treat atrophic colpitis?

If a woman has a suspicion of atrophic colpitis, and the cytogram is confirmed, then the patient is given immediate treatment of the disease so that she does not become chronic.

The disease is treated with hormonal therapy. In this case, natural estrogens are used. For more effective treatment and quick recovery, in parallel with hormonal therapy for atrophic colpitis, vaginal suppositories containing estriol are prescribed. Also with this treatment there are special trays. During the period of treatment, it is recommended that women stay away from sexual intercourse, and also adhere to a fairly strict diet.

Treatment of atrophic colpitis by folk remedies

The disease can be treated in several ways:

  1. Daily syringe saturated sugary calendula.
  2. For a small gulp, drink a weak broth of celandine three times a day.
  3. For daily sessile baths prepare a steep decoction of rhodiola rosea.
  4. Squeeze out the aloe juice and soak them with a tampon, which is inserted into the vagina for the whole night. The procedure must be done before the symptoms disappear.
  5. As a decoction for syringings, you need to take an alcohol tincture of peony flowers and dilute in an amount of 3 tablespoons per liter of water.

Prevention of atrophic colpitis

For the prevention of the disease, elderly women are advised to carefully monitor the hygiene of the genital organs, do not use hygiene products with coloring and strong aromatic additives, monitor their weight and get rid of excess kilos, if any. And, of course, monitor the level of progesterone and prevent it from falling to a critical point.