After a month's bleeding

Gynecologists often have to hear from patients complaining that after the menstruation there are bloody discharge that cause them anxiety. The whole life of women is accompanied by excretion, their color, consistency changes only during the menstrual cycle. Why does this happen?

Causes of secretions

What do dark smearing discharge after menstruation, which in a woman's life is called "daub"? This is considered the norm in the event that such discharges last no more than seven days. When bloody brown discharge after menstruation continues, the causes can be severe, up to endometriosis and endometritis. The latter is dangerous because the uterine endometrium suffers, and when a woman is pregnant with a baby, endometritis can cause a miscarriage. Diagnosis of endometritis will help ultrasound. If the disease is confirmed, then there is a need for anti-inflammatory therapy. In endometriosis, which affects women under the age of thirty, endometrial cells penetrate other organs. It is for this reason that during a woman's period, the blood can go even from the eyes! And dark suppository emissions after menstruation and are one of the symptoms of endometriosis.

Another reason why after the menstrual discharge is, is endometrial hyperplasia. Most often in adulthood in women, gynecologists diagnose a severe form of hyperplasia, which provokes malignant processes in the uterus.

Physiological causes

In healthy women, too, there may be bloody discharge after menstruation, if it is a question of using hormonal contraception. The modern generation of contraceptives is much safer than their predecessors with a high content of hormones. However, a low concentration of hormones is the cause of scant pinkish bleeding. "Daub" is considered the norm, but if it goes into the bleeding, then this is an excuse for changing the contraceptive. In addition, such discharges not only reduce the quality of intimate life, but also indicate that the contraceptive chosen by the woman is ineffective. The next physiological reason for the appearance after monthly bleeding spotting is the implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus. If a woman has unprotected sex, then a week after the next ovulation it is quite possible. Usually these discharges are limited to a few drops of blood and, moreover, not every pregnant woman has.

So what discharge after menstruation should alert a woman? If the bloody more or less everything is clear, then the discharge of yellowish, whitish, greenish color should be the reason for an unscheduled examination at the gynecologist. It should be noted, however, that yellowish and whitish neoblivye discharge during the usual menstrual cycle in women - this is the norm. By the way, the intensity and consistency are individual concepts. If the color of the discharge is greenish or itch appears, an unpleasant smell, then most likely the woman in the genitals has an infection that needs to be urgently disposed of. About whether there is an inflammatory process in the reproductive system and how it is caused, how to cure it, the gynecologist will tell you on the basis of the examination, as well as the analysis of the smear.

Despite the fact that business modern women have long since disposed of the status of the "weaker sex", one can not forget about health. Especially when it concerns the sphere of motherhood and intimate relationships. At the first signs of discomfort, it is better to consult a doctor.