What is the dream of pancakes?

In Russian culture pancakes are a traditional dish, with which many rituals are associated. Now we will understand that the fate prepared for happiness or testing, if sent a dream about this dish. There is no definite interpretation, so when decoding it is necessary to take into account other details of the dream, for example, how pancakes looked, etc.

What is the dream of pancakes?

Ruddy pastry predicts a useful acquaintance, and if it was spoiled, then it is worth to prepare for problems that will cause grief. Burnt baked goods are a warning about the occurrence of quarrels in family relationships. If you find that the pancakes were raw, then, to solve the existing problems will have to make considerable efforts. Uneven and thin pancakes are a harbinger of getting an invitation to a wake.

There are pancakes in a dream - this is a positive sign that promises success in business. It can also be a harbinger of unexpected news and new loyal friends. Other dream books offer a negative interpretation, according to which sleep, where you ate pancakes, presages the development of diseases and problems in different areas. If the pancakes were without a filling - this is a harbinger of the emergence of friendly and business ties. For people in relationships such a dream predicts marriage and a happy life. Pancakes with butter and sour cream are an unfavorable sign that promises losses and disappointments. If you are in a hurry eating people and literally chasing them, then soon have to make a rash act. Sleep, where someone else eats nalistniki, predicts tremendous success and the fulfillment of the plans.

To treat someone with pancakes in a dream for Shrovetide , then soon we should expect an improvement in the material situation. Sleep, where people treat pancakes with a filling - this is a warning about the activation of enemies. If you dropped the pancakes - it is a harbinger of sudden monetary spending. Give the peasants, then in the future will have to learn the sad news. Pancakes with cottage cheese is an omen of the origin of the disease in a close relative. There is also information that such a dream presages profit, perhaps you will return a forgotten debt. Stitches with caviar promise a deterioration in health. Another dream book states that such a night vision predicts an improvement in the material situation. Seeing pancakes with meat in a dream means you have to prepare for problems in work and business, which can lead to bankruptcy. During this period, the risk of problems in the family increased. If you eat nalastniki with honey or jam - this is a symbol of a fun pastime in the company of friends.

To buy pancakes in a dream, means, in life there will be new faithful friends. The dream where you cut the pimples indicates that one of the relatives wants to get rid of your excessive custody. If you greased sintered pancakes with butter, then it is worth to prepare for the journey. Dream interpretation recommends taking with you a reliable fellow traveler to overcome possible obstacles together.

Why dream about frying pancakes?

Such a dream warns that it is necessary to be more economical. To cook pancakes in a frying pan, means, ahead we should expect cheerful pastime, joy and success . The dream interpretation also predicts an improvement in the financial situation. Furnace pancakes in a dream to some kind of celebration, then at the moment you are preparing for an important event that will be held at the highest level. If you pressed a large number of pancakes, wait for the guests. Night vision, where you can not turn the pancake during a cooking, prophesies trouble. The first sintered pancake was a lump, then wait for failure. If pancakes bake another person, and you hear the smell - it's a harbinger of gossip.