Signs of the Ascension

This holiday has no clear date, since it is always counted from the Passover (after forty days). As can be understood from the name of this day, it is to him that the end of the work of Jesus Christ and his further ascension to heaven take place.

Signs of the Ascension are noteworthy attracted so much attention. There is a belief that nothing will pass in vain on this day, and all will respond in the future. Therefore, the question, what are the signs for the Ascension of the Lord, was always asked with special trepidation, because from this day it can depend on how the whole future course will develop.

People's signs of the Ascension

People began to notice that after the onset of the Ascension, one can no longer beware of a sudden change in weather conditions and one can quietly begin to enjoy the first summer heat.

Also a well-known feature is the curling of birch branches. She has an ancient origin and by our time she has reached through many generations. So, birch has always been considered a gentle tree, and rarely, when broken off from her branches do not dry out for several days. If a few cut branches are placed near the patient or weave a girl in a braid, and in ten days they do not wither, the patient will gain health, and the girl will most likely soon get married.

So that no one gets sick, bake a small ladder of bread for Ascension. It is important to note that it should have seven steps. Then dedicate it and put it behind the icon. This should protect the family from various diseases for the whole next year.

What are the signs associated with the weather for the Ascension?

Almost all the signs for the Ascension, unless it rains, are positive. But in the event that the rain still went, you should expect a crop failure and permanent diseases of livestock. But there is one amendment: if it lasts three days, then perhaps this omission will lose its prophetic power. Also, in order to weaken the influence of this sign, often, the girls gathered in one hut and roasted eggs. At the same time, they sang songs and read prayers . Then with this scrambled eggs it was necessary to go around the vegetable gardens, spreading it. It is important that the process does not involve a male.

At the same time, if after the Ascension there will be pleasant weather, it is considered that it will last at least a week.

Plots for the Ascension

On Ascension of the Lord, not only signs used to be popular, but also conspiracies. Of course, many will say that this has gone from paganism. But if something acts, then people use anything.

The most popular was the conspiracy, which should help in career growth. It is worth noting that he touches the baked stairs, mentioned above. So, such a ladder you need to eat before sunset and drink with holy water. As a result, in the professional field the next year you should be lucky.

There is also a conspiracy to health. During the song of the nightingale, you have to say the following: "The nightingale sings, God praises, the body heals. "

Signs that can not be done on the Ascension of Our Lord

What is interesting, will take into account whether it is possible to go to work on that day, but doing something about the household is undesirable. This can lead to permanent failures for the whole next year.

It is believed that on this day you can ask for something from the Lord and, most likely, get it. But do not ask for money and wealth, as this will also lead to setbacks. If there is no urgent need, then it is better to avoid any financial transactions on that day.