16 wonderful quotes about life from children's books

Sometimes life presents surprises and makes you think about things that look so incomprehensible.

Answers to many questions can be found in children's books that will help you understand yourself, find inspiration and start your life from scratch.

1. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "The Little Prince".

In life, it is important to remember only one thing that a person is able to hear much, but only what he feels in his soul is true.

2. James Barry "Peter Pen."

Remember, doubt is the enemy of moving forward. Never allow yourself to doubt, otherwise you risk losing faith in yourself.

3. Roald Dahl "Family Tweet."

Try to always be in a good mood. This will help to look at the world openly and benevolently.

4. Dr. Seuss "Places you will go to".

Each of us is responsible for our own lives, so only you can determine your own way of life.

5. Judith Viorst "Alexander and the terrible, nightmarish, bad, very bad day."

Some days in life are so bad that I want to give up everything and run away, far away. Remember that this is just an overcast day, and tomorrow the sun will necessarily look out!

6. Madeleine L'Engle "The wrinkle of time".

It happens that analytical abilities help in solving problems, but more often excessive thoughts exacerbate the situation.

7. John Ronald Ruel Tolkien "The Hobbit."

Materialism does not make people happy at all.

8. Louise May Alcott "Little Women".

Life is changeable and you never know where you find it, but where you lose it. So do not be afraid of the sharp turns in life. Most often they teach us how to live properly.

9. Kevin Henkes "Plastic purple purse Lily."

No matter how hard, always remember that tomorrow will be brighter than yesterday.

10. FitzHugh Luis "Spy Harriet."

Under all circumstances in life, always tell the truth to yourself. Lying only aggravates the state of things.

11. Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh."

When you lose faith in yourself, you need a good compliment, confirming your uniqueness.

12. Andrea Beti "Hector - Architect".

Never be afraid to dream. Dreams help to live.

13. Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland."

In fact, there is nothing permanent in the world, just like there are no identical people. People around you and yourself are constantly changing. Therefore, it is worth accepting the fact that your view of the world can change.

14. Arthur Ransome "The Swallows and the Amazons."

When you feel that luck is on your side, then boldly grab the opportunity that has turned up "by the tail".

15. Aesop "The Lion and the Mouse".

Kindness can change the world, so always try to do good everywhere.

16. Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh."

Appreciate every moment in life and do not waste your time!