Remember the 2-year-old boy who smokes 40 cigarettes a day? That's what became of him now!

Remember how a few years ago, the entire online community shocked the video, in which a 2-year-old boy smokes a cigarette? Yes, exactly, after which millions of mothers grabbed at the head, and grandmothers for the heart and ran after the valerian!

But in fact, the footage on which the baby from a remote village on the island of Sumatra (Indonesia), puffing like a steam locomotive, and even dissecting local trails on a plastic baby truck, suddenly became viral, and did not lose interest among the users of the Network today.


As it turned out, then the young smoker named Ardi Rizal was not just for fun in front of the cameras of the reporters, was dragged out by smoke to full lungs, and smoked 40 (!) Cigarettes a day, tormented by the most real tobacco addiction!

And not surprisingly, for the first time the baby tried to smoke at 18 months (that's when he gave the first cigarette to his dad) and since then has not intended to give up his favorite occupation.

It is known that Indonesian laws are loyal to children's smoking, and there are simply no campaigns against this harmful habit for young consumers. That's why, to see a child on the street, producing smoke - is not something out of the ordinary, and if not for the world interest in the history of Ardi Risal, who knows what could have ended ...

The published video on Youtube forced local authorities to take action and influence the parents of the baby. But, alas - Mom and Dad Ardi and could not cope with the hysterics of his son, forbidding him to smoke or trying to take away a cigarette, which he was treated to. And even more - in order to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked by a 2-year-old son, they began to give him a lot of unuseful goodies, which only aggravated the matter. It turned out that the cigarette dependence of Ardi went into the food!

You will not believe, but instead of 40 cigarettes, this child began to drink three cans of condensed milk a day, and his weight by 5 years was already 24 kg!

It is known that Ardi's health was so worsened that even the government and nutritionists of the country joined in to save him. The boy with excess weight was transferred to the strictest diet, consisting of fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, weaned from smoking, and after 4 years the Internet was again shocked by his photos!

Yes, it's almost impossible to believe, but today the inveterate toddler-smoker has turned 9!

Ardi Rizal hardly remembers his "turbulent past", well, unless he is visited by reporters for a new sensation ...

And most importantly - he is the best student of the fourth grade!