LED lamps for seedlings

Most of the plants that we want to see in the summer in our garden, it is necessary to start planting on seedlings long before warm sunny days. Speech, as a rule, is about February or March. At this time, the light day is still very short, and the growing seedlings can badly lack the natural light received per day. In this case, you will need to purchase LED seed lamps, which will help fill the lack of light and provoke a healthy and active growth.

Varieties of phytolamps

Today, the choice of seeding lamps for seedlings is really huge, and in order to understand which lighting option to choose, it is necessary to know about the main differences between them. We'll figure out what kind of lamps can highlight the seedlings:

  1. Luminescent phytolamps are very common among amateur gardeners. This is explained primarily by an affordable price. But the huge amount of energy consumed by these lamps and low efficiency make luminescent lighting devices ineffective in highlighting plants.
  2. Sodium lamps for highlighting seedlings belong to the average price category. They consume less electricity, but are rather cumbersome. In addition, they must be used only in dry rooms, because when the moisture gets on the hot bulb of the lamp, the latter can explode.
  3. The backlighting of seedlings with LED lamps is the optimal solution. Such lighting devices combine the blue and red light bulbs, creating the exact spectrum of light that plants need for active development. In addition, they consume three times less energy than fluorescent and help save electricity. However, the price of the lamps themselves is quite high.

LED lamp

Scientists have long proven that the rays in the blue and red spectrum help plants to actively develop. And given that the LED lamps are almost not heated, you can safely place them in rooms with high humidity.

Thus, it turns out that the efficiency of these lighting devices is very high, even despite the high cost. Consuming a few times less electricity, they produce only the light that the seedlings need. And since they do not spend energy on heat production, adjusting the temperature in a room with plants is much easier. Therefore, answering the question which lamps are best for seedlings, we can say with confidence that the best option is LED lamps.