A guy who saved a kitten from a sure death, a year later showed a touching video!

Miracles are small and big, but the fact that they are not always accidental, and everyone can do it, is confirmed by this incredibly touching story about saving a kitten!

It turns out that a year ago a resident of one of the Japanese cities witnessed a fall from the bridge of a small fuzzy. And while other pedestrians did not attach any importance to this incident, the boy's heart began to beat in alarm. He rushed to the supposed place of landing of the kitten in the bushes and found a frightened animal.

Alas, the fact that the baby was pulled from the thickets and put on the ground was not enough - from the impact on the ground, he had many serious wounds and the most sad - the hind legs are paralyzed.

Impressive is that the very next day the place where the kitten fell was completely flooded, which means that the crippled baby was expecting an imminent death!

But the guy did not quit before the difficulties, but reassured the frightened crumb and took him to his home for rehabilitation. Within a couple of hours the kitten took sincere care, went to the contact and even without fear agreed to feed.

The most interesting thing is that not only his savior, but also one more member of the family, the red cat Uzu, volunteered to take care of Nene, namely, this name was given to the kitten;

Already for a couple of days of friendship between the four-headed, the encouraging result became noticeable - Nene, with an appetite, ate with Uzu from one bowl and began to move around a little, repeating the movements of the senior comrade.

And even more - with each subsequent day of such tender friendship and care between cats, real miracles of healing took place - Nene became an active, cheerful, healthy and full-fledged pet!

The guy who saved the kitten did not hesitate for a moment in the happy end. Every day he filmed his wards, but a year later, he brought to the attention of Internet users an incredibly touching and motivating video. We will see?