Cherry Diseases and Their Treatment

Having planted a cherry tree in your garden, we, of course, expect that it will well come, and later it will blossom and bear fruit abundantly. But often amateur gardeners forget about possible attacks of pests and diseases.

Over the course of the tree's life cycle, you will often encounter similar problems. Such things are always better to warn than to cure. However, no one will be prevented by the possession of information on how to save a cherry from disease. So, let's look at the main points.

Possible diseases of cherries

Most often, the cherry is exposed to fungal diseases, which are easy to see and recognize for certain symptoms:

  1. Cockomicomycosis among the diseases of cherry takes first place. The fact is that all varieties of this tree, which were bred for a long time, do not have any resistance to this fungus brought to us from Scandinavia. Immunity is found only in hybrids of cherry with bird cherry, and also in felt varieties. With coccomicosis, you should start fighting as soon as you notice the fungus spores on the underside of the leaves or the brown spots on them, which later turn into spots. This disease affects the fruits of cherries - after their deformation, berries become unfit for food.
  2. The following measures are taken to treat a diseased tree:

  • Moniliose of cherry is another trouble that can happen to it. The disease is also called a monilial burn, as the affected parts of the tree look like burned. Moniliosis acts on the bark of the tree (on it appear ugly gray outgrowths) and berries that begin to rot. On the branches and trunk of cherry cracks gradually appear, the gum begins to flow. Treatment of cherry monilias consists in spraying the tree with copper and iron vitriol, Bordeaux fluid , oleocuprit, nitrafen, etc. It is required to do this before the fresh buds are dissolved. After flowering, you can treat the cherry with fungicides, such as "Captan", "Kuprozan", "Phthalan", etc.). Sick branches need to be cut off, grabbing at least 10 cm of healthy tree tissue. This is to avoid re-treatment of the moniliasis so that the fungus does not spread further.
  • Gribkov is also a disease, which is called a holey spot . From this name it is clear that on the leaves of the tree appear spots (brown with a dark border), growing into holes. The same happens with fruits, and the bark of the tree dries up, gum starts. Treat the cherry from the holey spotting immediately, as soon as you notice the first symptoms. Spraying is carried out with the same preparations as in the treatment of moniliasis, and the diseased shoots are cut off and necessarily covered with garden var. Fighting cherry diseases and their treatment involves mandatory destruction of diseased branches, fruits and leaves, including fallen. They should be burned, and the ground under the tree should be dug, and twice - in the fall and in the spring.
  • Kamedetechenie is not an independent disease, but rather a symptom. If you notice that a transparent liquid is released from the trunk and branches, you should pay special attention to such a tree: do preventive treatment with copper sulfate, whiten the trunk with lime, cover with wounds petralatum or garden wax, and immediately destroy the damaged shoots.
  • Also, cherries are often attacked and various pests , the fight against which you need is no less severe than with diseases. They include cherry aphid and weevil, runaway moth, mucous sawfly. To get rid of them will help insecticides.
  • How to save your cherry from disease, every gardener should know in order to keep his trees healthy and ensure a good harvest year after year.