Pests of cherries

Cherry is one of the most common garden crops in the temperate climatic zone. Its fruits please us with its juiciness and sweet and sour taste. In addition, cherry is extremely useful for the human body. Most types of cherry trees are unpretentious: they are well tolerated by cold winters, they do not require energy-intensive care. But sometimes fruit trees suffer from cherry pests, as a result of which plants weaken, in winter they freeze, and in the end, yields decrease.

The first stage of the struggle with the wreckers of the cherry is to determine, by outward signs, what the tree is affected, and to determine how to deal with these pests of cherries.

Cherry aphid

Colonies of aphids , settling on the tops of shoots and the back of leaves, suck out the juice of plants, as a result of which the shoots are deformed, and the leaves dry. The situation is complicated by the fact that winged birds fly to the weeds in the summer, and in autumn, when they return to the tree, weaken it.

Cherry running moth

In the spring, yellow-green caterpillars of cherry moths settle in the kidneys, which dry up from this. Trees in appearance appear to be damaged by frost. Spoiling the leaves with cobwebs, caterpillars devour them. With the appearance of buds, stamens are gnawed out, so the ovary does not form, and, therefore, there will be no fruit. In the beginning of summer caterpillars pupate, and mottled butterflies, in which pupae are transformed, lay eggs near the kidneys.

Cherry weevil

A small bronze-green beetle appears from the soil, where it hibernates, during flowering of trees. Just like cherry aphids, he eats kidneys, flowers and ovaries. But, in addition, these pests, damage the fruit of the cherry, - gnawing into the flesh of immature berries, the larvae eat out the kernels of the bones, causing the damaged fruits to fall off.

Cherry mucous sawfly

Adult flying individuals lay eggs in leaves in July. Apparent larvae, reminiscent of the appearance of small leeches, gnaw leaves to the veins. The leaves fall prematurely.

Protecting cherry from pests requires a systematic approach, since by destroying one form of parasites, you will not affect their other forms. In addition to chemicals, for the purpose of destroying insect pests, it is necessary to annually conduct deep digging of soil under fruit trees.

When to process a cherry from pests?

The first work on the destruction of insects should preferably begin in early April, before the beginning of the sap flow, so you will destroy all wintering pests. Modern biological products to protect trees from migratory insects can be used approximately once a month throughout the summer. The treatment of land and trees from the fungus is also produced before the appearance of the kidneys.

Than to process a cherry from pests?

Modern industry produces for the treatment of cherries from pests highly effective and low-toxic to humans drugs: Fitoverm, Iskra-Bio, Healthy Garden, Agravertin. In addition, to increase the resistance of trees to diseases, you can use solutions of Ecoberine or Zircon. For effective and harmless exposure, it is necessary to observe the dilution ratios and precautions specified in the instructions attached to the substances.

Experienced gardeners recommend that the processing of cherry trunks in spring from pests with a 1% solution of copper sulfate, rub the places from broken branches with fresh leaves of sorrel and cover the wounds with garden sauce. To combat fungal diseases, it is recommended to treat trees and soil near them with 3% vitriol or 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid (300 g per bucket of water).

With a responsible approach to the content of the garden, you will undoubtedly receive an abundant harvest of wonderful berries, which are tasty not only fresh, but also an excellent product for winter preparations: jam, compotes, jelly.