Fighting aphids on currants with folk remedies

In your garden there are many more useful plants than you could imagine. Sometimes even the most familiar cultures become useful in unexpected cases. For example, many weeds become helpers in the struggle for harvest. This time we will touch upon the issue of how to poison aphids on the currant, and take advantage of folk remedies.

What will help the aphids on the currant?

In most cases, we are talking about preparing decoctions and infusions for combating aphids on the currant folk remedies. In the course are both plants from the site, and the contents of your first aid kit and kitchen shelves. So, let's look at how to spray the currant from aphids with folk remedies, and in what period:

  1. In the matter of combating aphids on the currant after flowering and the entire vegetative period, you can use infusions . They are prepared from several acquaintances to each summer resident of cultures. The famous assistant of every gardener is wood ash . It will need two kilograms, which we dilute in a bucket of water and set aside for a couple of days. Excellent means - garlic . You need to take uncooked garlic, about three hundred grams, and pour it two days with two liters of water. During the percolation, we carefully press the denticles to make the infusion concentrated. Further, we dilute these two liters in a 1: 4 ratio and add the laundry soap there . All this mass, we will use parts, first adding four parts of water. To control aphids on the currant after flowering, tincture of needles or tobacco will suit.
  2. The second option, than to spray the currant from aphids by folk remedies, will already have to cook. Broths also will be of great help in this matter. And again, the ash that is already familiar to us becomes the first assistant. Now we will cook it for about two hours in the same proportions and after using it.
  3. We will not only use grasses in combating aphids on the currant with folk remedies. For example, mustard was no less effective. In a liter of hot water we dissolve a packet of dry mustard powder and insist for two days. This tool is used on seedlings before planting in the ground. If you need to find a solution for processing from aphid currants during fruiting, safely take infusions of celandine and dandelion. Even ammonia will become your weapon against this scourge. In a bucket, dissolve two tablespoons of ammonia and a little powder for washing. After spraying, the procedure is repeated after a couple of weeks.