Houseplant birch

Green leaves of houseplants are able to cheer up when everything seems sad and gray outside the window. But many people deny themselves the pleasure of having a home clearing, thinking that caring for flowers is too troublesome. And who said that you need to go on a difficult path? Houseplant birch is just the perfect combination of unpretentiousness and aesthetic satisfaction.

Basic information about room birch

The room birches have a scientific name - Roicisus, and there is a second popular name - room grapes. This plant is just a family of grape. Being a curly evergreen shrub, it can grow with its stems by 1-2 meters. The homeland of the Roicissa is considered to be Africa. Since caring for a room birch is not difficult, the plant has become widespread. Birches are not afraid of partial shade, sun, temperature changes and humidity fluctuations, but minimal care will certainly give the plant a power and make it well-groomed and beautiful.

Care for a home birch

For starters it is important to place the birch in a suitable place. Despite its endurance, such extremes as direct sunlight, a heavily darkened place and a draft, it is better to avoid. To water a plant it is necessary often enough that the ground always remained damp. Also, care at home after a birch involves wiping leaves and spraying the plant with moisture. The birch tree in general very much loves water if dimensions allow, it can be carried to a bath and rinsed leaves under a shower of room temperature. It is interesting that Roicissus does not feel very comfortable in the open air, for example, on the balcony. The spring-summer feeding will have a good effect on the plant, it is enough to enrich the soil with special mineral complexes once a month. Also in the summer, do not forget to loosen the soil. That's all the simple procedures - knowing how to care for a home birch, you can not doubt that the plant will be perfectly preserved and actively grow.

Reproduction of birch

Reproduction of a room birch tree is sometimes done by dividing a bush, sometimes twigs cut in spring for plant rejuvenation are used for reproduction, but the most common method is propagation by cuttings. To do this, cut off the tips of shoots with a few interstices from the room birch and put them in water so that they start the roots. You can also place the cuttings in a mixture of sand and peat in equal proportions. For two or three weeks the plants manage to take root.

Diseases of room birch

Indoor birch disease is infrequent. Sometimes the leaves are covered with spots that are characteristic of plants damaged by fungal diseases. If you pay attention in time, the birch will not die, it is enough to remove the leaves touched by mold and to treat healthy parts with a suitable antifungal agent. Much more often the owners of the plant are concerned about why The house plant of the birch tree loses leaves, why they dry and wither. And here it's not a matter of illness or pest , but of illiterate care. For example, if the leaves begin to wilt, curl and fall, then most likely you need to lower the soil moisture and eliminate the lack of oxygen in it. If the leaves began to fall off massively, before they wither, it is likely that the plant has been exposed to low temperatures or strong drafts. In the case of leaf tips drying, you need to think about the lack of moisture, and in case of yellowing - about an overabundance of fertilizers. Well, the yellowing and wilting of the lower leaves should not cause concern, it is only a natural process of growth.