Signs of psoriasis

Psoriasis is a non-infectious disease that results in damage to the skin, endocrine and nervous systems, joints and tendons. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the disease already at the first signs of psoriasis .

Initial signs of psoriasis

At the first stage of development of a pathology the person can note the following signs:

As the pathology develops, characteristic bright pink papules appear on the surface of the skin in the form of plaques covered with scales. Most often, the papules are located symmetrically on the folding surfaces or the scalp. Already at an early stage of the pathology, the size of the papules can exceed 10 cm. The initial signs of psoriasis often include an inflamed pink ring surrounding the plaque itself.

Based on the size and shape of the formations determine the type of disease:

Scales from the horny epidermis are initially formed in the central part of the papule and gradually cover the entire area of ​​the plaque. Since the flakes do not adhere tightly to each other, the surface layer has a loose structure.

Another sign of psoriasis is the brilliant bright red skin that can be detected when scales are removed. As a result of the disease, the epidermis becomes thinner, which leads to the "exposure" of the capillary network.

Exacerbation of psoriasis

To conduct symptomatic treatment, you should know what signs of psoriasis indicate an exacerbation. Such symptoms include:

In this case, you need to urgently contact a dermatologist, because you can still reduce the risk of severe exacerbation, in which plaques with a continuous bleeding crust cover large areas of the body.

Noticing the signs of such a disease as psoriasis, you need to undergo an accurate diagnosis. Pathology is considered incurable, but it is quite possible to prevent the development of relapse.