The teeth are loose-what can I do?

A beautiful and charming smile is one of the main determining factors when meeting and communicating. Naturally, any person will be embarrassed if his teeth stagger: what to do in this situation is not known to everyone, and people should be afraid of the dentist. First of all, it is necessary to find out the exact cause of the problem and immediately to take its decision.

Why do adults loose their teeth?

The causes of the pathology under consideration can be such factors:

As a rule, if the lower front teeth are unsteady, this is parodontosis in the stage of exacerbation, when there is a serious dystrophy of the bone tissue. But in any case, the exact diagnosis can be made only by the dentist after a series of laboratory tests, an X-ray and a thorough examination of the oral cavity.

How to strengthen the teeth so that they do not stagger?

The very first thing that needs to be done is to contact a specialist. Independently or with the help of folk remedies, such diseases as periodontitis or gingivitis can not be cured.

Therapy consists of complex measures:

If the loosening of the teeth is characterized by a strong amplitude and pain, the doctor can recommend short-term splinting - the imposition of a special dental tire that will hold the teeth in the correct position until the bone tissue and gums strengthen. Moreover, with severe gingivitis or periodontal disease, surgical treatment is performed with restoration of the jaw. The operation is actually the answer to the question of what to do if the molar tooth is unsteady and what to do. During the procedure, the bone tissue either is removed, in case of its complete destruction, or restored by the installation of metal shunts.

Rattling teeth - how to strengthen the gums?

There are several popular effective recipes that can help:

  1. Lubricate the mucous membranes with freshly squeezed yarrow juice.
  2. Wipe the gums with a clove of garlic, cut in half.
  3. Rub the sea buckthorn oil near the roots of the teeth.
  4. Rinse your mouth with a solution of sea salt with iodine (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water).
  5. Keep in the oral cavity a strong broth of oak bark (3 tablespoons of crushed phytocoagulant per 200 ml of water).

One of the most effective means is alcoholic infusion of root aira :

  1. Approximately 30 g of crushed rhizomes of the plant are placed in a glass container and poured half a liter of quality vodka.
  2. Insist 14 days in a dark place with a constant temperature.
  3. Shake, drain solution.
  4. Wipe them gums in the morning and evening.

Strengthen the effectiveness of the drug can be, if before each procedure add a few drops of natural propolis in the preparation. It will help strengthen the gums and prevent loosening, loss of teeth.