Flowers from the dough with their own hands

A wonderful decoration of the baking will be decorative edible flowers made by themselves. Flowers made from yeast or puff pastry, made according to the technique below, will help to distinguish favorite pastries on the background of other dishes and to diversify the festive table.

How to make flowers from the dough with our own hands, we will show in the photo the master class below.

Edible dough flowers

Preparations should start with the preparation of the dough. For baking, you can use both the ready-made mass and the dough of your own preparation according to the following recipe. Immediately warn: flowers are edible! And let them not scare you unusual ingredients like Vaseline or glycerin - they are registered food additives, which we regularly eat without noticing it.



Water, glycerine and Vaseline are combined with lemon juice and whisked well. Slowly pour the flour into the mixture. The finished dough will be dense, but sticky and not elastic.

We put the saucepan with the dough for medium heat and stir until the dough is compacted. As soon as this happens - increase the fire and keep the mass on fire for another 2-3 minutes. We check the readiness with a finger, if the dough does not stick to it - it's time to remove it from the plate.

In the next stage, in addition to food coloring, we also need a small rolling pin, a knife, a needle and molds to shape and texture future plants (the latter is not necessary).

A colored piece of dough is rolled into a spindle shaped cake. And roll it into the bud.

The inner bud is ready and now, all that remains is to glue the petals to it. To do this, the ball of dough is rolled into a cone, the wide part of which is flattened with a knife, or manually.

The petals easily attach to the bud ...

... and all that remains is to increase the number of petals by applying them in layers with a spiral until the appearance of the flower satisfies you.

The last detail is the leaves, we cut them out using a special shape, and then we roll it over the corrugated plate. As a result, we get the shape and texture of the natural leaf. If you do not have a corrugated board, simply trace the veins on the leaves with a needle.

Apart from roses, other flowers can be made using the same technology. For example, narrower petals can be attached not to the inner bud, but to a small ball. The edges of the bud are cut with scissors, and as a result, this is the beauty.

Well, if you think that this is not enough to decorate the dessert, then you should know how to make mastic for the cake and chocolate cream .