Chocolate cream

Chocolate cream is used for filling cakes, gluing layers or finishing cake. Basically, chocolate cream is called any cream, which is added sifted cocoa powder or replacing it with melted chocolate.

The most common prepared cream are chocolate "New", "Charlotte", "Glasse" and "Prague". The recipe for the cream "New" you will find on the pages of our website, and in this article we will share with you the derived recipes for the rest of the chocolate creams.

Chocolate cream "Charlotte"


First you need to prepare egg-milk syrup. There are two options for its preparation.

Option one. Milk, sugar and eggs are thoroughly mixed, continuing to stir constantly, bring to a boil. Then the syrup is filtered and cooled to room temperature.

Option two. Milk is combined with sugar and boiled. Eggs are whipped and poured into a sugar-milk syrup in a thin trickle and kept in a water bath for five minutes, filtered and cooled.

Butter before shaving should be cleaned - remove the yellowed top layer. Then the oil is cut into pieces and beaten for about ten minutes at a slower speed of the mixer, in parts pour in syrup from milk and eggs and add to the future cream sifted cocoa powder or melted chocolate, powder, wine or cognac, then whisk for another 10-15 minutes.

If desired, you can prepare a chocolate-nut cream, adding crushed nuts to the basic chocolate cream.

Chocolate cream "Glasse"


To begin with, prepare a syrup - water is combined with sugar (4: 1), brought to a boil, remove the foam and boil. Simultaneously, whisk the eggs to an approximately three-fold increase in volume, then, without stopping the whipping, pour in the syrup. Beating ends when the mass has cooled to room temperature. Then add to the future cream the peeled butter, cocoa powder, vanilla powder, wine or cognac and beat again, about ten minutes, until a uniform consistency is obtained.

Just like the Charlotte cream, the chocolate cream "Glasse" can be prepared with the addition of syrup from coffee and ground nuts.

Cream "Prague"


butter - 550 g; condensed milk - 350 g; egg yolks - 60 g; cocoa powder 30 g; vanillin - 0.5 g; water 60 g; yield - 1000 g.

This cream is used for the cake "Prague".

With water, beat the beaten egg yolks (1: 1) and cook in a water bath until a thick consistency is formed. Then wipe the resulting mass through a sieve and cool to room temperature. Peeled butter is beaten at a low speed of the mixer for about five minutes, add cocoa powder, egg mixture, and for about 15 minutes whisk at high speed.

Part of the condensed milk in the recipes of creamy (oil) chocolate creams can be replaced with sour cream to enrich the taste. And to get a custard chocolate cream, cocoa or chocolate, you need to add to the recipe for the main custard for the cake.

And do not forget that it is desirable to practice before applying complex drawings on the surface of cakes, because to make the same chocolate cream is not a problem, but how to fix an annoying blot will have to break your head. Good luck!