BMI is the norm for women

A huge number of people of different ages suffer from excess weight, which not only affects the appearance, but also negatively affects the work of the body. To determine the degree of obesity, doctors use such an indicator as the body mass index. Many people are interested in the BMI standard for women.

To calculate this indicator, you do not need to go to a nutritionist, since the forms are simple and affordable. To obtain the desired value, the growth rate in meters should be squared. After that, divide the weight by the result to get the body mass index. There is a special table for determining BMI and its norms for women. Before calculating the body mass index by the above formula, it should be noted that it does not fit all. Such a calculation can not be used for people whose height is below 155 cm and above 174 cm. Otherwise, it is necessary to subtract or add 10%, respectively. In addition, do not expect INT to also people who are intensely engaged in sports.

BMI - the indicators of the norm

In general, there are four main groups that judge obesity:

  1. From 30 and more. If the value is included in this indicator, the person is diagnosed with obesity. In this case, the specialist needs help, since there is a risk of developing serious health problems.
  2. From 25 to 29. In this case, we can say about the presence of excess weight. To solve the problem, you need to adjust the nutrition and start playing sports.
  3. From 19 to 24. Such indicators indicate that a person has the ideal height and weight, and he should not strive to lose weight. The main task is to keep fit.
  4. Less than 19. If a person as a result of the calculation came out this value, then there is a deficit in weight. In this case, you can talk about the presence of health problems. A trip to the doctor is considered compulsory.

Experts say that the BMI standard for women should be determined taking into account age, since the body's work in 25 and 45 years is different. To calculate the index by age, you need to use a different formula, which is even simpler. If the woman is less than 40 years old, then for the calculation it is necessary to take 110 from the growth, and if more than 40, then 100. Let's consider an example: to understand if BMI is included in the norm for women after 30, for example, at 37 with an increase of 167, to make the calculation 167 - 110 = 57. Now it remains only to look in what category the value entered is.