Principles of Separate Nutrition

The system of separate nutrition is currently controversial, since not all the processes in the body that are at the heart of the matter have been scientifically proven. Nevertheless, the principles of separate nutrition have long been popular as a healthy diet or diet for weight loss.

The Basics of Separate Nutrition

The theory of separate nutrition, formed almost a century ago, suggests the right combination of products for one meal. It is believed that for the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates the body needs different enzymes: for digesting carbohydrate food, an alkaline medium is required, and protein food requires an acid medium. Thus, when combining food products that are rich in both protein and carbohydrate in one meal, it leads to insufficient digestion of food and its decay, fermentation inside the body.

The basic principles of separate nutrition presuppose excluding such processes of putrefaction and fermentation by taking a carbohydrate group of foods and protein separately from each other. Thus, it is easy to understand what separate food means - it is a system that strictly regulates the compatibility of products among themselves.

Product compatibility for separate meals

The rules of separate nutrition divide all products conditionally into proteins, fats and carbohydrates and strictly determine all possible variants of their combinations among themselves:

Obviously, a separate food as a result is a ban on most of the dishes and combinations that are familiar to us. Practicing separate meals, you can not eat sandwiches, mashed potatoes with cutlets, most kinds of salads. Thus, a separate diet assumes an almost complete change in the type of food intake for the average person.

Is the separate food correct?

The principles of separate nutrition currently do not have scientific proof. Doctors believe that the processes of decay and fermentation in general are possible only in the body of a person with serious illnesses. However, many other postulates have also been refuted:

  1. It is proved that different types of enzymes involved in the process of digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, do not interfere with each other's work in parallel.
  2. The whole digestive system of man by nature is designed for parallel digestion of different types of nutrients.
  3. Even in nature itself there are practically no isolated proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In the meat there are both protein and fats, in vegetables - both carbohydrates and proteins, and in cereals all three categories are practically balanced.

Nevertheless, the theory of separate nutrition has the right to life. Many of its postulates are used in different types of diet for weight loss and bring results.