Diet soup for fat people

You've probably heard about the magic soup for weight loss for fat people, or, as it is also called, Bonn soup. This is the main dish of a special diet that helps to lose weight without feeling hungry at the same time. If you are trying to quickly lose weight before an important event - this is an excellent option! It can be considered for those who want to rapidly begin their weight loss, and then switch to a healthy diet.

Miracle soup for weight loss

So, consider the recipe of the very magical soup that satiates, and at the same time allows you to reduce weight. You can eat them alone for 3 - 5 days, and there are no restrictions on the number of meals. Hungry - eat soup! Do not want a soup? So, do not get hungry, wait again!

Fattych soup (Bonn soup)



All the vegetables are cut into small, easy-to-eat pieces, put in a pan and poured with water so that it completely covers them. Let the soup boil and reduce to a slow fire, wait until all the vegetables are cooked completely. 5 minutes before the readiness can add spices and spices - pepper, curry, etc., but not salted seasonings and no seasonings containing "chemistry" and especially glutamate sodium. If desired, the resulting soup with a blender can be turned into a diet soup-purée for weight loss. Use cheese, cream, meat broth and in general anything that is not specified in this recipe is prohibited.

On the test is to prepare a light soup for weight loss, not from the specified number of components, but from half or even a quarter - this will allow you to understand how much this dish suits you to taste. You can change the proportions of products, the main thing is to find the option that you like.

Low-calorie soups for weight loss

It is important to understand the very principle: fat-burning soups for weight loss can be prepared in different ways, it is important to use only low-calorie foods in them:

Creating new and new recipes, you will not feel constraints, the body will perceive this as an interesting, nutritious food.