Barley porridge - good and bad

Barley porridge is not only a very tasty dish, but also a healthy product. This croup is a chopped barley grain. Cook the porridge simply - pour the rump with water in the proportion of 1/2 and cook for 20-25 minutes, add salt, sugar or other ingredients to taste. Also, it can be used for cooking casseroles.

What is useful barley porridge?

First of all, speaking of the benefits of barley porridge, it is worth noting that a large amount of fiber is contained in the raw grain used for the production of cereals. It is very useful in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since it is not digested by the body at all, cellulose causes the stomach to work hard and purify the intestines. It is useful for high cholesterol and diabetes.

Also this porridge is recommended for people who struggle with excess weight . At high caloric content (320 kcal per 100 g), barley porridge is easily digested and serves as an important source of energy in the body. For the same reason, doctors advise to include it in the diet of children and the elderly. In addition, it is excellent for mood swings and stress, which is also common in older people.

Recent studies have shown that in barley cereal there is a small amount of antibacterial substances that are used to treat fungal skin lesions. This miracle porridge also has a diuretic effect, which is an auxiliary factor in the fight against high blood pressure. Its spasmolytic properties are also important. Yachka excellently removes heavy metals and slags from the body.

Speaking about the benefits of barley porridge, you can not forget about her. Yačka is contraindicated in people with glycine enteropathy and those who suffer from celiac disease -gluten intolerance.