How to cure psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a dermatological disease. It looks rather unpleasant. But contrary to popular belief, for others, the ailment is not dangerous. How to cure psoriasis? Studies on this subject have recently been quite active.

Is it possible to cure psoriasis completely?

The disease is manifested in most cases by skin lesions. Therefore, many believe that it can affect only the epidermis. But this is not so. Medicine knows cases when psoriasis spread to joints and bones.

Questions about whether it is possible to cure psoriasis even at the initial stage, torment many. And to answer them, you need to understand the nature of the disease. To say for certain, what exactly causes an ailment, modern experts yet can not. But most of them tend to think that it is of an autoimmune origin. That is, in simple terms, psoriasis develops due to the fact that the own immune system begins to attack healthy cells, inflammation, and as a consequence - those most unpleasant plaques.

And accordingly, like most other autoimmune diseases, this complete cure does not lend itself. But the fact that psoriasis on the head, face and body can not be cured completely, should not upset. Yet medicine has managed to come up with several ways to save patients who help ease the course of the disease and permanently forget about its unpleasant symptoms. And they can be used at any stage of the disease.

What can you cure psoriasis?

To achieve a lasting positive result, it is recommended to carry out complex therapy. In addition to local elimination of plaques, it is necessary to take drugs that strengthen immunity, and if necessary even antidepressants.

For the treatment of rashes, hormonal and non-hormonal agents are used:

Like any autoimmune disease, psoriasis will quickly lead to a remission stage, following a diet. From the diet it is desirable to exclude:

Instead, the blow should be done on vegetables, cereals, greens. During treatment it is advisable to switch to black bread.

How to cure psoriasis with folk remedies?

As practice shows, if you combine traditional medicine with alternative methods of treatment, the effect is much more interesting:

  1. A good remedy is flax seeds. They need to be poured with boiling water and cook for about ten minutes at low heat. Drink half a glass three times a day.
  2. Not the simplest, but very effective - egg ointments and oil.
  3. Helps to fight with plaques and decoction of plantain. To make a spoonful of dry mixture, pour one glass of hot water and cook for five minutes.
  4. Eliminate the rash and can with dandelion infusion. A decoction based on this plant will help regulate carbohydrate metabolism.
  5. The long lasting result is helped by the root of valerian. You can buy it at the pharmacy. Drink the product is recommended for two months according to the instructions on the package.