Games with a child in 3 months

Three-month-olds can stay awake for a long time. They become extraordinarily inquisitive, and they are no longer interested in being alone in a crib. For the full development of children at the age of 3 months, various development games are needed, thanks to which the crumb can not only learn new skills, but also establish close contact with parents.

In this article we will tell you which games it will be useful to play with the child in 3-4 months to have fun and contribute to the correct and comprehensive development of the baby.

Developing games for a child in 3-4 months

Games with a child at 3 or 4 months should be fairly short and very simple. Accompany each of your actions with a cheerful song or poteshka, because this will later contribute to the development of the speech of the baby.

During classes, offer crumbs to feel different in the texture of objects. You can specially make a small booklet, in which various materials will be presented, such as silk, wool, linen and so on. In addition, it is useful to insert bright big beads and buttons of different shapes and colors into the toy, so that the crumb could handle the surface and experience various tactile sensations.

Several times a day, play with a three-month-old baby in a finger game. Most children at this age are very fond of the gentle touch of mom and other adults. In addition, these games develop motor skills, so they need to pay special attention. It is also useful to do an easy stroking massage of the feet, palms and other parts of the body.

During the massage, you can add a few gymnastic exercises, for example, "bicycle". Move the tiny legs in opposite directions, imitating, as if the kid turns the pedals.

Another fun, exciting and useful game - "Airplane". Sit on the floor and take your child in your arms in such a way that his face is right in front of yours. Embrace it under the arms and slowly lift, slightly bending the body of your torso in the opposite direction.