Holocaust Remembrance Day

In our time, we remember with grief the tragedy of an international scale like the Holocaust. For many Jewish families, this word terribly resembles dinners, tragedies, grief and death of innocent people.

Nowadays, the term Holocaust characterizes the German Nazi policy of 1933-1945, in a fierce struggle with the Jewish people, which was marked by special cruelty and disregard for human life.

In many countries January 27 mark World Holocaust Day, which in every country has the status of state. In this article, we will also describe the details of this great date and the history of its appearance.

January 27 Holocaust Day

On the initiative of several countries: Israel , the United States, Canada, Russia and the European Union, and with the support of another 156 states, on November 1, 2005, the UN General Assembly designated January 27 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This date was not chosen by chance, since in 1945, on the same day, the Soviet troops liberated the largest Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau (Auschwitz), located on the territory of Poland.

At the UN General Assembly meeting, it was decided to urge states to develop government programs in such a way that all subsequent generations remembered the lessons of the Holocaust and further prevented genocide, racism, fanaticism, hatred and prejudice.

In 2005, in Krakow on the honor of the Holocaust Day on January 27, the 1st World Forum of the Memory of the Victims of the Genocide was held, which was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. On September 27, 2006, in memory of the 65th anniversary of the tragedy "Babin Yar", activists held the 2nd World Forum. On January 27, 2010, the 3rd World Forum in Krakow was held to honor the 65th anniversary of the liberation of the Polish concentration camp.

The International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust in 2012 was devoted to the theme "Children and the Holocaust". The United Nations honored the memory of one and a half million Jewish children, thousands of children of other nationalities: Roma, Sinti, Roma, as well as disabled people who suffered at the hands of the Nazis.

In memory of the Holocaust - Auschwitz

Initially, this institution served as a camp for Polish political prisoners. Until the first half of 1942, in it for the most part prisoners were residents of the same country. As a result of the meeting in Wannsee, on January 20, 1942, dedicated to the solution of the question of the destruction of the Jewish people, Auschwitz became the center of extermination of all representatives of this nationality, and was renamed to Auschwitz.

In the crematoria and special gas chambers of the "Auschwitz-Birkenau" fascists destroyed more than a million Jews, as well as representatives of the Polish intelligentsia and Soviet prisoners of war died there. It is impossible to say exactly how many deaths Auschwitz can not, because most of the documents were destroyed. But according to some sources, this figure reaches from one and a half to four million representatives of the most diverse nationalities. In total, the genocide killed 6 million Jews, and this at that time was the third population.

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Many countries create museums, memorials, hold mourning ceremonies, events, actions in honor of the memory of innocent people killed. Until now, on the day of the memory of the Holocaust victims on January 27, in Israel millions of Jews are praying for rest. Throughout the country, a mourning siren sounds, for two minutes of its sounding people stop any activity, traffic, dying in a mournful and respectful silence.