Youth Day - the history of the holiday

The day of youth and its history of emergence is not known to many, but everyone takes part in the celebration.

Are there any age restrictions?

Someone considers himself young at 15, 20 or 30, and for someone this period continues in 40. But, from the point of view of science, youth is the age of up to 25 years. Although it is happily celebrated by people all over the world of different ages, professions, nationalities and social positions.

history of the holiday

International Youth Day has its own holiday story. It is connected with the UN conference, which was held from 8 to 12 August 2000. It raised a number of issues related to the situation of young people in society. The fact is that not all young people can get a good education, find a job, take place in life as a person. Unfortunately, many suffer from hunger, become hostages of their own addictions.

Since that conference, young people all over the world have their holiday on August 12.

And although the history of the celebration of the Day of Youth does not differ in the mass of interesting facts and events, this day is indeed of great importance at the world level.

The UN calls to celebrate this day in order to help and inform the younger generation about values, issues of ecology, healthy lifestyles.

When celebrate a holiday?

The history of celebrating Youth Day in the world space is much older. For example, except for the international celebration, each country also has its own national holiday of the Day of Youth. So, in Russia and South Ossetia, for example, it is celebrated on June 27. But in some cities it is celebrated according to the old custom - on the last Sunday of June, as in other countries of the post-Soviet space.