Ultrasound for patency of the fallopian tubes

Ultrasound for the patency of the fallopian tubes is also known as echogrotehydration. Basically, the test of patency of the fallopian tubes with ultrasound is performed with infertility, to confirm or eliminate the tubal factor. And this is important for choosing further tactics of treatment.

The permeability of the tubes with ultrasound is visible after the introduction of the prepared physiological solution into the uterus. This substance fills the uterine cavity, and then passes to the fallopian tubes and gradually enters the abdominal cavity. Thus, the relief, obturation of the lumen of the uterine tube, the presence of constrictions and the degree of their severity becomes clearly visible.

Ultrasound on the patency of the fallopian tubes - how to prepare?

Check the patency of tubes through ultrasound is recommended to be carried out in the initial phase of the menstrual cycle, before ovulation. For greater reliability of ultrasound results of patency of the fallopian tubes, preparation is necessary, the main stages of which are as follows:

  1. To exclude presence of infectious-inflammatory diseases of genitals. Since this procedure can contribute to the generalization of the inflammatory process.
  2. For a couple of days before the expected date of the study, do not eat foods that promote the formation of gases in the intestine (legumes, dairy products, carbonated drinks).
  3. On the eve it is desirable to perform a cleansing enema, in the absence of a chair. As in the first paragraph, swollen loops of the intestine can cover the fallopian tubes, thereby distorting the results of ultrasound.
  4. Just like with ultrasound diagnosis of other pelvic organs, it is important to fill the bladder the day before.

Contraindications to conduction and minus method

Checking the pipes for patency with ultrasound is an absolutely safe method of diagnosis. In comparison with X-ray studies, there is no irradiation of the pelvic organs. In addition, the method refers to minimally invasive, in contrast to the laparoscopic way of diagnosing patency of the fallopian tubes. But at the same time, by informativeness, ultrasound is inferior to other methods of examining the condition and pathology of the fallopian tubes. For example, in some cases, the revealed area of obstruction of the fallopian tube can only be a spasm in response to the injected saline solution.

Unfortunately, even this safe method of diagnosis has its own contraindications: