Epiphany divination at home - simple and truthful options

Various Slavic holidays are known, but Baptism can be considered unique, because it combines the traditions of Christianity and paganism. Since the days of Ancient Rus on this day, it is common to speculate about the important events of the near future.

Divination by Baptism for Love

The most popular variants of predictions concern private life, as lonely girls waited for this day to find out when they would meet their narrowed and go under the crown. Women who are in a relationship seek to find out with the help of magic whether feelings are sincere and whether there is a prospect for the future in such an alliance. There are various divinations in the Epiphany evenings, which are held both in the company and in solitude.

  1. Onions will help to know the name of the future husband. It is necessary to take an arbitrary number of bulbs and write on each masculine name. Put them in a basin filled with water, and leave in the kitchen or in any other place. With what name the first bulb will germinate, and so will the wife.
  2. Epiphany fortune telling matches are suitable for girls who are in pairs. For one, take two matches, symbolizing lovers. They need to be placed around the edges of the box and set on fire, if they bend to each other, then the couple will live together and happily. When the matches diverge, this indicates that the relationship will collapse.

Divination by the Baptism of the Sainted One

The traditional Slavic holiday is ideal for conducting a ritual and seeing the image of your future spouse. The most popular and effective are the fortune-telling at Epiphany on the condemned on the mirrors. It is necessary to take two reflecting surfaces, one of which must be larger than the other. Mirrors are placed opposite each other, and the smaller should be closer to the guessing person. Between them, place two lighted candles, which should look through the top of the small mirror.

As a result, you will get a long corridor, in the depth of which you need to peer for a while. After a few minutes, different things will begin to appear, along which you can learn about the future. If you say before the fortune-telling: Seriously-mummified, come to me to have supper, then it will be possible to consider the image of the future spouse. Immediately after that, you need to say: Chur, me! To make the vision disappear.

Divination by baptism on the condemned on paper

For different predictions use additional items to properly implement the ritual. The simplest version is a paper on which, for example, you can write the name of the chosen one, put it on a plate and set it on fire. If it does not burn completely, then the hopes associated with this person will become a reality. There are modern fortune telling on Epiphany with paper: take a sheet and cut it into 12 small strips. On each write a man's name and put them under the pillow. Waking up, get out, without looking at one leaf, and find out the name of the man who will meet with you this year.

Divination by the baptism of the condemned at night

In the time of Rus on this Christian holiday, single girls gathered together to learn about the future. Such baptismal fortune-telling is to some extent amusement, but to get a truthful response to the action one should be taken seriously. It is necessary to prepare in advance any headgear, a slice of bread, a spoon, a purse with a coin and a glove. Selected items are placed on the table and one girl is blindfolded. She must at random choose an object on which the deciphering of the divination of the house is deciphered:

Divination by Epiphany for Children

Another topic that interests the fair sex - how many children will there be? To receive the answer it is possible, having spent a guessing on Christmas Eve on Epiphany. It is necessary to take a glass at night and pour water into it. Place the ring there and place the container on the street or balcony. In the morning, an interpretation is made of the state of frozen water. If the surface of the ice is flat - this is a bad sign, indicating the absence of children. The presence of tubercles indicates the birth of a son, and the depressions indicate daughters. By their number, you can determine how many children will have a fortunate person.

Divination by Baptism for the fulfillment of desire

Dreams are important for a person, because they force him to move forward, reach heights and get results. There are special baptismal divinations that help to know when the desire will become a reality. A simple variant is the prediction on the buttons. In the evening, you need to put a red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and violet color on the balcony or veranda. In the morning bring them home, pick them up and start throwing one on the table. They just teach a simple guessing about the desire for Baptism according to the color of the last button, which will remain in the palm of your hand.

Divination by Baptism for Destiny

Learn about what lies ahead with your own dreams, since it is believed that the chance to see prophetic sleep on Baptism increases significantly. The presented fortune telling for Epiphany approaches for married women, girls and men, the main condition is faith in magic. Before you fall asleep, ask the question of your future out loud, ending with this phrase: Show me Saint Samson, a festive dream. After that, you need to close your eyes and do not open them until the morning. To rise too it is forbidden.

Divination before Christening for the future

Probably, you can not find a person who would not know about the future , because it can help to avoid possible problems, prepare for the tests and so on. For those who are interested in whether it is possible to guess at the baptism for the future, the following ritual is suggested: at midnight in a beautiful bowl, pour clean water and add the protein of a raw egg. Put the capacity in an inconspicuous place for three hours and during this time you can not look into it. Divination by Baptism is interpreted according to the shape of protein in the time allotted. Here it is necessary to connect imagination and remember associations:

Divination by Baptism for money

People who have financial problems or want to make a serious purchase can spend fortune-telling in the Epiphany week for money to understand whether the situation will be corrected or if the belt should be tightened for a while. For the presented ritual it is necessary to prepare three deep plates and one coin, but not the smallest one. This fortune telling on Epiphany holidays is like a game of thimbles. The plate needs to be turned over and the guesser should leave the room, and the third person under one of the three containers should put a coin.

After this, the person returns and at random selects a plate. If it was a coin, then in the coming year will be given a chance to become rich. The situation, when the plate was empty, allows you to conduct manipulations again. If the coin was found from the second time, it means that the money will be, but not in a large amount, and if not - then the year will be poor.

Interesting divination at Epiphany

Many people use different methods of predictions, but they do not take it seriously, and then one does not have to count on a truthful result. Only faith in magic and in every action produced gives a chance to get the right information about your own future. There are different ways of guessing at Baptism, but all of them are united by some important rules. When using any additional items, they are recommended to precharge their energy, for some time, hold them in your hands.

Fortune-telling at home is to be carried out alone, unless the chosen method of prediction assumes otherwise. It is important that nothing distracts from the manipulations. It is equally important to avoid energy blocks, which include, for example, crossed arms or legs. It is recommended to remove the surrounding objects from yourself. To get a truthful answer, you need to remove the cross, because magic and religion are incompatible things. After carrying out kreshchenskogo divination it is recommended to wash, to wash off from itself possible negative energy.

Divination by Epiphany according to the book

Many believe that predictions of the future require some training and skills, but this applies to complex rituals or working with cards. There are simple fortune telling, which even novices will master. For one of them, you need to take a book and hold it in your hands. After that, say the first two numbers that came to your mind, and the first will mean the page number, and the second will be the lines above. To conduct the simplest divination at Epiphany, read the text indicated, which will hide important information about the future.

Divination by Baptism on wax

The most popular prediction methods involve the use of a candle. It is important to immediately say that to decipher the obtained values ​​it is necessary to connect fantasy and use associations. For those who are interested, how to guess in Epiphany evenings on wax, the following variant of predictions is offered: prepare a bowl with hot water, a candle and a spoon. With a candle, cut some wax and light it. Melt the wax above the flame in the spoon and pour it into the water in one motion. The future is judged by the figure, which eventually came out: