Snack from sweet pepper

From sweet pepper prepare a lot of interesting dishes - it can be added to salad, stew, it can be stuffed, and in addition it can be used to make interesting snacks. Different recipes for snacks from sweet peppers are waiting for you below.

Appetizer of sweet pepper for the winter



We clean the washed vegetables, cut the onion with semicircles, sweet pepper with straws, carrots on a grater, and we add tomatoes to the consistency of mashed potatoes. For this, we grind them in a blender or let it through a meat grinder. Mix vegetables, add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar. We put the pan with a snack of sweet pepper in sauce on the fire. Bring to a boil and boil for about 20 minutes on low heat, then lay out on prepared cans and roll up the lids. After that, turn the jars upside down, wrap them around and leave them until they have completely cooled down.

Appetizer of baked sweet pepper



Pepper my good and dry it. On a dry baking sheet lay out a whole pepper and bake for about half an hour. In the process of baking, turn the pepper 2-3 times. Baked peppers we put in a package, we fasten it and we leave minutes for 5, then carefully peel the skin. Cut the peppers in half, clean them from the stems and cores. And then the flesh is cut as much as possible - with cubes or straws. Finely chopped peeled garlic. The washed and dried cilantro is chopped. In a deep bowl, mix the baked peppers, herbs and garlic. Add sugar, black pepper and salt. Pour in the oil, vinegar and mix. For 20 minutes, we remove the snack from the sweet pepper in the refrigerator. And then we are served to the table. It will be an excellent addition to meat, especially to shish kebab.

Appetizer of sweet pepper with garlic



Wash the whole Bulgarian pepper baked on a grill. When the peel in some places is covered with tan marks and swells, it means that the pepper is ready! We remove it from the baking tray, immediately put it in a bag, tie it and remove it for 30 minutes in the cold. After this procedure, peel is removed from peppers very easily. Now we clean the pepper: first remove the core, while the pepper should be kept vertically, so that the juice does not leak. Only then the juice is gently poured into the bowl, and the peppers are peeled. We prepare the marinade: Each slice of garlic is cut with plates across. In a mortar we rub sugar, salt, basil and black pepper with peas. Then we add balsamic vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice and juice from pepper, mix everything thoroughly. Each pepper is divided into several pieces of hands and spread in a flat dish in layers, each of which we transfer garlic and pour the marinade. We cover the dishes with a snack of sweet pepper and wrap it in the refrigerator for 6-7 hours.

Appetizer of sweet pepper with cheese



At peppers we cut off tops with pedicels, we cut out a core. Cheese three on a grater, add mayonnaise, garlic and mix. Eggs boil hard, cool and clean. We distribute cheese mass inside of pepper, having enclosed in each whole a boiled egg. We remove the pepper in the fridge, and after 2 hours get it, cut it into slices with a width of 5 mm each. To make this easier, the knife needs to be soaked in cold water.