Conspiracy for good luck in work

Work occupies a very important position in the life of each of us. Whether we like it or not, most people devote half of the hours to the working process, then, counting, almost half the life.

It's quite another matter whether we spend this time qualitatively: whether we are satisfied with what we are doing and whether our superiors are happy. In case of discontent of one of the two, the work usually changes.

The first conspiracy for luck in the work that we want to offer you is a conspiracy to find work, or rather, to you with the luck found. After all, so often you can hear the stories of your friends, who quite by chance find not just the work of their dreams, but also a high-paying position.

For a successful job search on the first Friday after the new moon, you need to go to the forest and find a place where two stumps stand nearby. On one of them sit down and looking at another, say the words of the conspiracy of white magic to a new job:

"Here I sit and look for a good place. I am a servant of God (name), I will sit on another stump (I need to change seats) and get a good place for another day. True, true, true! "

On the way to the forest and back, do not enter into conversations with anyone and do not turn around.

From troubles at work

With everyone can happen and trouble, and gaffes, and even fatal errors in the workplace. And do not even have to be the culprit of their occurrence, coincidence of circumstances are sometimes much stronger than us, but, alas, to answer someone for the circumstances will have to. Especially dangerous is the situation when you know exactly what happened is not even coincidence, but the evil machinations of your colleagues. If you notice the incident on time, try to minimize losses with the help of a conspiracy of trouble at work, which, among other things, also helps to eliminate pests.

"The snake-mother has many snake-daughters. She called them, each named by name: Snake-the ruler, the serpent-master, the serpent-guardian, the snake leader, the serpent-substitute, the serpent-tormentor, the snake-tamer, the seductive serpent, the snake-absorber, the warrior snake, a snatcher, an enlightening serpent, and her seventy-seven snakes, her cold-blooded daughters.

Veli, the mother of the snake, to guard my daughter (name) from the authorities with me, no prince, king, and the princess should not be killed.

And who will insult me, that my word will suffice.

Let the snakes of your six hundred and sixty-six times curl up, and all my enemies, the ailments from me pumped out.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen, Amen, Amen. "

And for you to continue to not be harmed, do not wear your soul open. The more you talk about yourself to untested people, the louder you shout about your brilliant business plans , the easier it is to hook you up to the "well-wishers".