Winter boots Columbia

Columbia is one of the leading manufacturers of outfits for outdoor activities . Jackets, trousers, backpacks, sneakers - all this is in the assortment of the company, but really only known are the winter boots Columbia. Thanks to the specific warming effect, as well as the revolutionary Omni Heat technology used in them, the people also call them heated shoes, which makes Columbia very proud. In such boots it is not cold even in the worst frost and you can enjoy the long walks, sleigh rides and snowballs without feeling the frosty numbness of your legs. With this technology are produced as women's shoes Columbia, and children's, which is very pleased parents of small fidgets, who spend all their free time with friends on the hill. With Columbia their legs are protected from frost!

Winter women's shoes Columbia are produced in a wide range and are annually presented in new collections by not less than 6 models. As a rule, these are low boots resembling sneakers with reinforced socks, but, in recent years, more elegant models began to appear. Now you can buy thermal shoes Columbia, which will perfectly match with any style of clothes and at the same time diligently cope with their task.

Important warning

When choosing shoes Columbia, be sure to pay attention to the marking. Each original pair has a temperature tag. If the tag says "up to -30 ° C", then these shoes can only be used for winter walks. If you go to work or go to university, be sure to bring a replacement pair, as long as you stay warm, your feet will necessarily sweat, and all because of the heating layer Omni Heat, which does not allow active air exchange. And wet feet in frost - the main enemy of your health. Lighter models of such discomfort do not deliver, but also save you from the cold in a severe frost can not. In any case, for the winter you will need several pairs of comfortable shoes for different weather and for different life events.

Pay special attention to shoes with a rubberized bottom. They very much help in February-March, when the street is a terrible slush, but the air temperature is already gradually leaning towards plus. As a rule, autumn boots are too unstable to such an abundance of moisture, and in ordinary rubber boots it is still too cold, even with a warm toe. In such cases, warm and rubberized boots from above Columbia will create the necessary comfort for your feet, keeping them dry and warm.