A strong laxative

Although laxatives are associated with many curious cases, these drugs should be in every medicine cabinet. Constipation is a serious enough problem, giving discomfort and at times knocking out of the rut. And strong laxatives are created specifically to get rid of this problem as soon as possible. In the article we will tell about the most effective preparations.

Classification of strong laxatives

To begin with, it should be noted that laxatives are medicines that eliminate only the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but they do not destroy the underlying cause. Therefore, if constipation tortures with unenviable persistence, it is best not to abuse laxatives, but to go immediately to a specialist.

And just in case, in the medicine cabinet you can put a few drugs. All strong laxatives are divided into several categories.

Bulk laxatives

They are of natural origin. The organism perceives them well, but does not digest. Main representatives:

Annoying laxatives

The largest group of drugs, which includes strong drugs, starting to act a few hours after admission. Famous representatives of the group:

Osmotic preparations

Quite effective and not addictive with prolonged use. The category of osmotic drugs include:


Another group of strong laxatives with constipation. Special laxative prebiotics promote the growth of normal intestinal microflora, thereby improving its performance. The most famous representatives of the group are:

Strong laxative products of rapid action

Buy a laxative in a pharmacy today is as easy as buying an analgesic. Most medicines are released freely without prescriptions. Consider the most popular and effective drugs.


A known strong laxative in drops. It is considered one of the safest, so you can take it even to pregnant women and nursing mothers. Before taking Gutalax, dilute in water.


This is a prebiotic medicine. It is recommended even for infants. The basis of the composition is lactulose.

Pharmacies have a large number of strong laxatives in tablets. The most common:

Often experts recommend special laxative powders, such as: