Strong pain medication

The attack of acute pain caused by various impairments of the body's vital activity can overtake any person unexpectedly, and at times these sensations are so intolerable that they can cause a syncope. Prolonged pains, which also occur frequently, accompanying various chronic diseases, exhaust the body, cause depression. Therefore, pain must be eliminated using pain medications. Consider which of the analgesics dispensed without a prescription are considered to be the strongest.

List of strong painkillers

  1. Analgin. This drug, widely known and used for a long time in medical practice, is based on the combination of metamizole sodium. The drug contributes to the partial blocking of pain impulses, as well as suppression of the activity of painful centers. Due to this, it is possible to use the medicine for pain of different origin: head, articular, dental, traumatic, muscular, etc. In addition, Analgin has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes increased heat transfer. Therefore, it is also used for colds, feverish conditions.
  2. Baralgin. Baralgin is a combined agent, which contains three active substances: metamizole sodium, pentophenone hydrochloride, fenpiverinium bromide. The first of these substances is the main component of Analgin and has a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic effect. Pitofenone hydrochloride is a substance with spasmolytic action, which helps to relax the smooth muscles of internal organs. The third active substance is cholinoblokaorom, which also helps relax the smooth muscle layer of the internal organs. Complementing each other, these substances have a rapidly advancing long-term effect.
  3. Brustan. This drug is also combined and includes two active substances belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - ibuprofen and paracetamol. Brustan has a strong analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect and can be used for postoperative, traumatic pains, neuralgia, myalgia, joint pain, etc.
  4. Nyz. The drug in question is one of the strongest anesthetic drugs, used mainly for pain in the joints, tendons, ligaments, muscle pains. But also Nyz can be used for intensive pain syndromes of another genesis - headache, toothache, algodismenorea, etc. The active component of the drug is nimesulide, which, in addition to anesthetizing, helps to reduce temperature and relieves inflammation.
  5. But-shpa. But-spa is also familiar to almost everyone and is a popular remedy that perfectly removes pain syndromes associated with spasm of vessels or smooth muscles of internal organs. Main component of the drug - drotaverina hydrochloride. This medication is effective for tension headache, dysmenorrhea, pain associated with diseases of the urinary and digestive systems, etc.
  6. Diclofenac. This drug with the active substance diclofenac sodium is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that provides a rapid analgesic effect and has a very wide application. It is recommended for use in attacks of gout, joint and muscle pain, postoperative and traumatic pain syndromes. An additional effect of the drug is a decrease in body temperature, the elimination of inflammatory edema.