Heaviness in the stomach after eating

To date, many factors can provoke the emergence of problems with the digestive system. The most common is indigestion, one of the manifestations of which is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. At the same time the stomach does not cope with the task entrusted to it in time, and the food in it is delayed. Especially often, heavy weight in the stomach can bother after a plentiful meal with a predominance of fatty, fried, rough food. This condition is also called "lazy stomach syndrome."

Until the end, the causes that cause this syndrome have not been studied. It is believed that the feeling of a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating can cause the following factors:

In the morning, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach may be the result of a late dinner. The stomach does not have time to cope with the food eaten before sleep, and in the sleep the processes of digestion and peristalsis, as well as all other processes in the body slow down. As a result, a person wakes up broken, with a headache and heaviness in the stomach, including a strong one.

During wakefulness, peristalsis can be slowed down due to a violation of the central and local regulation of the motor activity of the muscular wall of the intestine, the work of the sphincter in the place where the stomach passes into the intestine, because of cicatricial changes in the duodenum after ulcers, acidity, etc.

The feeling of a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating can be accompanied by a belching eaten food or air, a person can say that it is hard for him to breathe, he is sick. In severe cases, vomiting may occur. If it repeats constantly, then the person loses weight, because the food is practically not digested.

How to treat weight in the stomach?

Those who experienced the heaviness in the stomach, probably wondered: how to remove it. First, you need to see in what situations this unpleasant feeling arises. Secondly, if possible, understand the causes of its occurrence and eliminate them. Thirdly, if the measures you take do not help, you need to consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary studies, and if the severity in the stomach is caused by some diseases, will explain: how to properly treat them.

If, as a result of observing yourself, you understand that this condition occurs after eating, then you can take some measures to improve your self-esteem yourself. Try the following:

If, despite all these measures, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating as it was, and is preserved, try removing it by any of the following methods or several:

  1. Half an hour before a meal, drink half a cup of chamomile, golden centipede or yarrow.
  2. Put a warm diaper on your stomach, and after 10 minutes, massage the belly lightly clockwise for half an hour.
  3. Do gymnastics and dance. Abdominal dances are especially useful (for men - belly dance).
  4. Do not forget to drink a glass of kefir for an hour or two before bedtime.
  5. Periodically, from the severity of the stomach can use such drugs as mezim, festal, panzinorm. However, do not get carried away, as the stomach can get used to enzymes coming from outside and stop producing ones.
  6. Do not forget about relaxation and autogenic training, which will help normalize the work of the nervous system and the entire body as a whole.