Microinsult - symptoms and treatment

Theoretically, in medicine there is no such thing as a micro or mini stroke. However, in medical practice, this name is often used to designate a stroke that damages small areas of the brain in localization.

In order to understand the treatment of stroke , it is necessary to understand its causes and symptoms.

Causes and Symptoms of a Microinsult of the Brain

In the broadest sense, stroke is a disorder of the cerebral circulation, in which brain tissue does not receive nutrition and loses some of its functions.

With a micro stroke, there is a small damage to the brain tissue, and as a result, its functions are preserved to a greater extent.

At a micro stroke the following changes occur: in the brain, spot hemorrhages are observed during the study, which were caused by poor vascular function (transient circulation disturbance).

Such a circulatory disorder occurs in a number of diseases:

These diseases are directly associated with circulatory disorders and blood vessels, and often their combination (eg, combination of atherosclerosis with hypertension) causes a micro stroke or stroke.

So, the microinsult can be called a "harbinger" of a stroke - if the patient is not helped in this period, then there is a high probability that a stroke will occur, which can lead to the death or 100% loss of those brain functions responsible for the damaged areas.

With a micro stroke, the symptoms are the same as in a stroke, but the difference is that they can be removed: for example, numbness in the arm or leg. If a limb is removed from a stroke, then it is very difficult to restore its function, but if it happened at the stage of a micro stroke, then in case of timely treatment, the sensitivity can be restored within a few days.

The main symptoms of a micro-stroke are the following symptoms:

First aid for micro stroke

Treatment of a micro stroke at home can not be effective, so first of all you need to call an ambulance. Time, which is given to prevent serious consequences, is read in minutes.

Before the arrival of an ambulance patient you need to put him to bed and raise his head slightly. He is provided with peace - noisy noises, bright lights and an atmosphere of panic. Any nervous overexertion at this moment can provoke a sharp complication. With a micro stroke, a person can not move, so he needs to ensure that there are sanitary conditions so that he does not have to get up - for example, to the toilet, or to drink water, etc.

Treatment of microinsult drugs

Given the symptoms and causes, doctors use several categories of drugs for a micro stroke:

For example, with increased pressure that appears on the nervous soil, sedatives are used, with pressure on the background of vegetative disorders - drugs that increase the adaptive capacity of blood vessels, etc.

The first category includes actovegin - this medication improves cellular metabolism and improves cerebral circulation. It is widely used in medicine precisely with strokes.

Also included here is the preparation Cavinton - it dilates the blood vessels of the brain, and this leads to normalization of blood flow. These drugs can be replaced by analogs, but they are an indispensable first stage in the treatment of stroke or micro stroke.

In the second category of drugs for stroke are those that restore brain tissue. For example, cerebrolysin and cortexin. These are expensive medicines, however, they help restore lost functions. If the first category of drugs helps stop the spread of a stroke, then the second category cures its consequences.

Treatment after a micro stroke

After a micro stroke, a person continues for at least 10 days to put a dropper with the above medicines. Further, the direction of treatment depends on the patient's condition: vitamin B complexes, acupuncture, and medications that treat the disease that caused the microinsult have a positive effect.