Diarrhea - how to treat?

Diarrhea is a disorder of the stool, in which there is a rapid defecation with a loose stool. This problem can arise for various reasons - from poisoning or ingestion of foods that cause a relaxed stool in people prone to diarrhea, and ending with a dysbacteriosis - a condition where there are no "beneficial" bacteria in the intestine that create favorable conditions for defecation.

How to treat diarrhea after antibiotics?

With the development of pharmaceuticals, antibiotics have become firmly established in our lives. They are in free sale and people do not always buy them on the prescription of a doctor, trying to engage in self-medication. Illiterate treatment, without taking into account the characteristics of the organism and its interaction with antibiotics, often leads to dysbiosis - a violation of the intestinal microflora. This leads to either constipation or diarrhea.

Thus, the popularity of antibiotics led to the fact that people began to complain more often not only about the immune system, but also on the violation of defecation.

How to treat diarrhea from antibiotics is a difficult question, because it is not easy to restore the destroyed microflora - for this, different probiotics are used that contain useful bacteria with different strengths of action.

Medications that restore intestinal microflora

To treat the intestinal microflora from diarrhea is possible with the help of probiotics, prebiotics or symbiotics - aids that contain both probiotics and symbiotics.

Probiotics are preparations with live cultures of microorganisms. They contain exactly the bacteria that are contained in the intestines and ensure its normal functioning.

They are divided into 5 groups:

  1. Monocomponent - contain one strain of microorganism (Lactobacterin, Colibacterin, Biovestin, etc.).
  2. Antagonists - used within 7 days, have a competitive effect and are not representatives of the microflora of the intestine (Biosporin, Flonivin, etc.).
  3. Polycomponent (belongs to the group of symbiotics) - contain several strains and substances that they are intensified (Primadofilus, Bifacid, etc.).
  4. Combined - contain bacteria and substances to enhance immunity (Acipol, Bifiliz, Kipatsid, etc.);
  5. Symbiotics - contain bacteria, as well as substances that help bacteria survive in the damaged intestinal microflora (Preema, Laminolact, etc.).

Prebiotics are compounds that simulate the normalization of the intestinal flora. In an ideal treatment regimen, probiotics are combined with prebiotics, which gives a lasting effect.

How to prevent infringement of a microflora during reception of antibiotics?

To avoid the need to restore the intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics, along with these medicines, take symbiotics.

How to treat diarrhea - folk remedies

Than to treat diarrhea at home, milk products will prompt, after all they contain bacteria, which restore intestinal microflora. They include cottage cheese, sour cream, whey.

Diarrhea can also be treated with a diet - in this case, the microflora will recover, but for a longer time than with probiotics and prebiotics:

How to treat diarrhea in diabetics?

During diarrhea, in this case, the use of Regidron for replenishing fluid in the body is of particular importance. When diabetes is used to treat diarrhea probiotics are possible.

How to treat chronic diarrhea?

The answer to the question of how to treat frequent diarrhea lies on the surface - it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora with the premixture of probiotics and prebiotics, which must be taken at least 1 month.

Also, during diarrhea, stick to food based on boiled lean food.

With severe diarrhea attacks, take Loeeramid, as well as Regidron , which restores fluid loss.