Adjika with horseradish and tomatoes

A real adzhika is something between sauce and seasoning, cooked on the basis of a huge amount of hot pepper and garlic. The searing acuity is one of the reasons why adjika is not loved by an authentic recipe, but the sharp taste of a dish is easily corrected with supplements like nuts and tomatoes, and the pepper's acuity is supplemented with horseradish. It is about one of the recipes adapted to our tastes - adjika with horseradish and tomatoes - and we decided to talk further.

Recipe adzhiki with horseradish and tomatoes

Even if the original adzhika from hot pepper and garlic is able to be stored without sterilization, raw, then adzhika with horseradish root in the composition and even more will stand wintering in the refrigerator. The raw recipe will retain all the useful components, and you will need a minimum of effort and energy.



Preparing the ingredients for this recipe takes a minimum of time: peel the garlic teeth, remove seeds from sweet and hot peppers, peel the horseradish, cut the tomatoes. Prepared components put in a bowl of a blender and purify, or pass through a meat grinder. Add salt and sprinkle immediately with clean jars. In a closed form and in the cool, such a preparation without problems will live the whole winter.

Adjika from tomato, horseradish and garlic

In addition, Adjika can advantageously emphasize all the advantages of meat and poultry dishes, it is also an excellent way to combat colds so characteristic of bad weather.

As adjika for this recipe does not come out as sharp as its counterparts, it is still necessary to minimize sterilization of the container before roll-up.



Before making ajiku from tomatoes with horseradish, cut the peel on tomatoes slightly and dip the fruits into boiling water. Blanched tomatoes clean and optionally cut. Remove seeds from both types of pepper, and clean the fruit walls also divide into large pieces. Clean the horseradish surface. Pass all the prepared ingredients through the meat grinder, and add the formed gruel with vinegar, oil and salt.

Clean banks scald or burn in the oven, then pour on them adzhika and roll them all with sterile lids.

Adjika with horseradish and tomatoes without cooking



If you want to cook the adjika on a quick recipe, then simply peel the peppers from the seeds and peel off the garlic cloves, but if there is time, cut the tomatoes, scald them and peel the skin - so the sauce will turn out to be much more tender and homogeneous. Prepared ingredients pass through a meat grinder or blend with a blender. Kashitsu season with salt, add finely chopped leaves of parsley and dill, and then spread the sauce over the cans directly raw, no sterilization is required.