Causes of yeast infection in women

Thrush is a problem known not by hearsay to most women. Almost every representative of the fair sex has dealt with this disease at least once in her life. The problem of getting rid of this scourge becomes the topic of heated discussions in any women's forum, because getting a yeast infection is much easier than curing. What are the reasons for the appearance of thrush in women - let's try to understand this article.

Thrush or candidiasis of the vagina is a disease caused by excessive reproduction of yeast-like Candida fungi on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Normally, these fungi are present in the composition of the vaginal microflora in every healthy woman. If the health is okay, then the microflora is in a state of equilibrium, in which all microorganisms, its components work for good. But as soon as the body malfunctions, the balance of the microflora breaks down, the fungi begin to multiply uncontrollably, and the products of their vital activity cause all those unpleasant sensations for which the thrush is diagnosed: curdled discharge, itching, burning, reliever during urination, pain during sexual intercourse , swelling of the genital organs.

Causes of frequent thrush:

Thrush after antibiotics

Very often a woman notices thrush herself after taking a course of antibiotics . This is due to the fact that antibiotics do not have a selective effect and destroy both pathogenic microorganisms and useful lactobacilli that produce lactic acid. As a result of their action, the vaginal environment from acidic becomes alkaline, which promotes reproduction of fungi. To minimize this effect from antibiotic therapy, it is necessary to combine it with the use of pro and prebiotic drugs.

Thrush after sex

Although thrush does not belong to sexually transmitted diseases, many women note its appearance after sex, especially with a new partner. It is caused by the fact that the microflora of each person is unique. In unprotected sex, the microflora of the partners contacts, which can cause a balance breakdown due to the spasmodic growth of one or more of its components. As a result, thrush can occur even in an absolutely healthy woman. If one of the partners suffers from a thrush in acute or chronic form, or is a Candidate, thrush can not be avoided even more so. The only way out is not to neglect condoms.

Psychological causes of thrush

As is known, in addition to physical causes, diseases also have psychological. And thrush is no exception. It can be said that thrush becomes a subconscious protection of a woman from sex, which in her opinion brings only harm and pain.

The psychological causes of thrush include:

When thrush is caused by psychological reasons, treatment with medicines will give only a short-term result, or not give it at all. The root of healing lies in getting rid of unnecessary attitudes towards sex and accepting the thought that this is an absolutely normal and natural process that brings a lot of good emotions.