Red currant sauce

A particularly tasty and spicy sauce is made from red currant, prepared with the following recommendations. It perfectly complements dishes from any meat, transforming their taste.

Sweet and sour red currant sauce for meat with garlic - recipe



To prepare the sauce, you can use both fresh berries of red currant, and frozen, previously defrosting them. First of all, squeeze the juice from them. To do this, we skip the product through the juicer or grind it with a blender and then squeeze it with gauze.

Garlic heads are dismantled on the teeth, clean them and squeeze out through the press. Spread the garlic mass in the berry juice, add sugar and salt, weap the mass with ground black and red pepper and mix thoroughly to completely dissolve all the crystals.

Immediately after preparation, the sauce may appear liquid and not tasty. But after insisting in the refrigerator, its taste will be balanced, and the texture is thicker and jelly.

The components of the sauce in this case are not subjected to heat treatment, which allows to completely preserve the beneficial properties and vitamins, but at the same time this fact prevents the long-term storage of the seasoning. It must be prepared immediately before use (about a day) and stored for a short time only in the refrigerator.

How to make hot sauce for meat for winter with red currant - recipe



To prepare the sauce, you can simply grind the previously washed red currant with a blender to a puree state. For a more uniform texture of the billet, it is best to squeeze the juice out of the berries. To do this, we put them for a minute in a microwave oven, and then we pass through the juicer, or if there is none, grind it in any available way, and then grind it through the strainer and squeeze the flesh with gauze in addition.

Put the mashed potatoes or juice in a saucepan and put it on the fire. Warm up the berry base to a boil, then reduce the heat to a minimum, pour in the sugar and mix, so that all the crystals are dissolved. Turn off the plate, add salt, ground cinnamon, cloves, three kinds of pepper and pour vinegar into the billet. Garlic heads are disassembled into denticles, we clean them and force them through the press. Spread the garlic mass in the sauce and mix thoroughly. Now it remains only to pour the resulting sauce over pre-prepared sterilized jars, cork and let the workpiece cool down, and then place it on the shelf of the refrigerator for long-term storage.

The amount of sugar, pepper and vinegar can be slightly adjusted, but these proportions still allow you to get the most harmonious taste, which is maximized after a few days after cooking. In addition, in the refrigerator, the sauce will thicken slightly and become a slightly jelly consistency.