Best movies for teenagers

Love for cinema begins most often in early adolescence. For this age category, a lot of films of completely different orientation have been shot, but if parents care about what their children watch, it is necessary to recommend them to look at this or that picture, which will be interesting and useful in this age.

Best teen movies

At all times, domestic (Soviet) films, which preached the spirit of unity, friendship, mutual assistance and disinterested love, have always been considered the best films for children and teenagers. The category of such positive films is:

  1. «Adventures of Electronics» (1980). A film-tale with an adventure story about schoolchildren, villains and friendships that defeats insidiousness. A remarkable musical film novel, to which Evgeny Krylatov wrote songs and which all teenagers of those years sang and knew.
  2. "And if this is love?" The old film, shot not a black and white film, but this is no less interesting. Modern teenagers will be interested to know how their peers lived and felt in the distant 1961. Will the main characters - Boris and Xenia, save their first love, if they are opposed by all: friends, parents, teachers - you can find out by watching the movie to the end.
  3. "Your rights?" (1974). Four teenage friends are sent on the road by their older friend's car, who can not get the right to the car in any way, which means that it drives it illegally. Various funny situations and payment for breaking the rules - exactly what will interest children to watch this tape.

Among the best films for teenagers of the Soviet era are the following:

The best Russian films about teenagers

There is a list of the best films for teenagers, which are worth seeing boys and girls experiencing a new important stage of their growing up. Perhaps some of the stories in them will allow yesterday's children to better understand themselves, their feelings.

Every adult and himself was recently in adolescence, but he does not always adequately assess the behavior and desires of his child of this age. That is why it is so important to bring together the distanced children to arrange joint views that will make the native people closer and allow them to understand each other's feelings. After all, Russian reality is something that is close to us in spirit, unlike foreign cinema. To the list of the best teenage films it is possible to carry safely:

  1. "Drawing" (1977). The film shows how dangerous it is to play with adults in their games and how it can end for teenagers. In one of the Moscow schools, high school students decided to play a trick on an English teacher, and eventually got themselves a lot of problems.
  2. "Pupa" (1988). The desire for glory, recognition and love pushes the former champion Tatyana for cruel and rash acts. Having left from the big sports because of a trauma, the girl does not think herself not in the center of attention, which achieves all possible ways.
  3. "One hundred days after childhood" (1975). And again the first love. It is she who plays the first roles in this film. Teenagers in the pioneer camp under the leadership of the leader Sergei put the play "Masquerade", the participants of which fall in love, compete among themselves, but in the end the love and friendship win.

In addition to Russian films, the rising generation is very popular with foreign films about the love of adolescents, and the list of the best is headed by such films: