Boric acid from cockroaches - recipe with egg

Recipe with egg and boric acid is one of the most effective folk remedies for getting rid of cockroaches. Although its positive effect is directly related to the number of these pests in the house (after all, every cockroach must eat a fairly large dose of boric acid, and with prolonged use the insect organism begins to adapt to the drug).

Remedy for cockroaches with boric acid

There are several options for how to poison cockroaches with boric acid. The popularity of this substance is connected, first, with its availability and cheapness ( boric acid can be easily purchased in any pharmacy without a prescription), and also with high efficiency. When 3-4 mg of boric acid is used in a cockroach, all nerve endings and the central nervous system paralyzes, the insect can not move and soon dies. At the same time, when using any recipes with boric acid, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the cockroach should be deprived of access to the water source, otherwise the pest can survive.

Recipe for fighting cockroaches with boric acid

Let's consider the way of preparation of a poison from cockroaches with a boric acid and an egg. In pharmacies, boric acid is usually sold in two forms: in the form of a powder (usually in paper bags of 10 grams) or as an alcohol solution. For our recipe, you need to choose the first option, since the solution not only will not allow you to make the right bait, but will also scare off the cockroaches with the smell of alcohol.

  1. For this type of poison you need to take yolks of eggs and boric acid powder at the rate of: 1 egg yolk per 50 g of boric acid. Depending on the number of cockroaches, the amount of necessary poison is individually selected, but the specified proportions should be observed.
  2. Boric acid is poured into clean dishes and yolk of egg is added.
  3. The mixture is thoroughly triturated until a homogeneous and rather stubby gruel is obtained.
  4. From the resulting porridge formed small balls or pancakes.
  5. They are spread out around the apartment in hard-to-reach places or in places where insects gather.

After this, it remains only to wait for the effect of using such a recipe with boric acid and egg. Cockroaches should for a while eat cooked poison. Soon, insects either completely die, or go to another place. And you can remove the remaining egg balls.