How to whiten the bath at home?

The bathroom is associated with a brilliant tile, cleanliness and of course a luxurious white technique. However, over time, the bathroom is covered with a touch, which makes its color less pronounced, and the surface is slightly rough. To avoid this, plumbing must be periodically cleaned with special chemicals, or use folk remedies. So, how to whiten the bath at home and what will it take? About this below.

How can I whiten the bath of yellowness?

Here everything depends on the material from which the bath is made and its condition. So, for bleaching old cast iron sanitary ware, covered with a mesh of cracks and a layer of gray plaque, it is easier to wash. You can use cleaning powders with large abrasive particles from any manufacturer. The effect will increase if you rub the powder with a metal sponge penetrating all cracks and pores.

If your bath is absent and half a year and its surface remains perfectly smooth, it is better to use the product on a cream base. Abrasives in it are smaller, so the product does not damage the bath and gently cleans the accumulated plaque. Instead of a metal sponge, it is better to use a soft cloth or household washcloth.

Very carefully you need to treat the acrylic bathroom . Over time, it accumulates plaque, consisting of dried soap and dirt. But clean the bath, if you use abrasive cleaners categorically prohibited? Here it is better to stay on a delicate means, for example, on the composition intended for washing dishes. Spread it with a soft sponge on acrylic and rinse with warm water. The raid will quickly retire and the bath will again become snow-white.

Alternative methods

If at hand did not seem special chemicals, you can refer to the folk methods of cleaning, namely:

  1. Soda and vinegar. These substances have a good penetrating power, acting as a fine abrasive. So, how to whiten the bath with soda and vinegar? To do this, it is enough to mix equal parts of the dining room and soda ash and add a little liquid to the formation of gruel. Distribute the mixture on the walls and after completely drying, rinse it with a solution of citric acid / vinegar. To enhance the effect, you can add a bleach.
  2. Oxalic acid . Suitable for those who are looking for ways to quickly whiten the bath from the stale rust. To do this, dilute the acid with water to a viscous gruel. Obtain the product on rusty stains and leave it for 40 minutes. Then, clean the surface with any abrasive powder, rub rust with sandpaper. Next, the plumbing is degreased, the cleaned areas are covered with nitro-enamel. If you follow all instructions, the bathtub should be pleasantly transformed.
  3. Bleach . Type in hot water bath and add the usual whiteness that you use when washing clothes. After 8-10 hours, release the water and rinse the bath with cold water.

Using one of these methods, you will certainly get rid of the raid and hated rusty spots.

Care Tips

I would also like to talk about a cast iron plumbing. It is the best among all products on the market and with proper care can last several decades! But it is not enough to know how to whiten a cast-iron bath, you still need to be able to prevent the occurrence of a raid. To do this, you need to maintain the dryness of the enamel and do not leave even a small puddle after bathing. Long contact with water leads to the appearance of yellow spots, which are almost impossible to remove. Therefore, take the habit of wiping the bath after every bath.