Parrots are in love - how to determine sex?

Parrots are inseparable - bright, interesting exotic birds that can be kept at home. They are unpretentious, smart, sociable, give their owners pleasant emotions. Non-lovers love not only their second half, but also their owners. Parrots of this breed are happy to ride on the shoulders and head, eat from the master's plate. Their drawbacks are that curiosity sometimes turns out to be excessive - the infernalists can eat something, they also litter while eating.

Nerazluchniki - male or female

It is difficult to determine the gender in appearance. There are some secrets, but they do not fit all the indivisible. Specialists in breeding note the males of the infertile lengthened head.

A female infertile sits on a perch with widely spaced paws, but only if she already has offspring.

The sex of the infernal is also possible to recognize by feeling the pelvic bone. In the female, the distance between the bones is greater due to the fact that eggs pass between them.

Since it is very difficult to know the sex of a parasite, it is better to acquire birds from experienced breeders. Improper identification of the sex of parrots of infertile can lead to the creation of same-sex couples - birds will be difficult to reduce later with the "right" partner. There is a myth that after the death of a partner the second parrot will soon die. It turns out that you can keep one infernal. Changes in behavior will be, but the male inseparable, and the female is quite able to live without the second half for a long time and happily and even to form a new family.

Ornithologists determine the sex with the help of hormonal research or DNA analysis. To date, this is the surest way. Therefore, to determine the sex is best to consult specialists.