The child has a temperature of 35

Quite often children have hypothermia - a low body temperature. By itself, lower body temperature is less harmful to the body than increased. But if you notice that your child often has a temperature below 36 ° C, this fact should not be ignored in any case, since a child's low temperature can be either a variant of the norm or a symptom of dangerous diseases.

Why does the child have a temperature of 35 ° C?

So, first of all, we need to understand why the child's body temperature is approaching the 35 ° C mark. The reasons can be very different, from harmless to very serious. Here is a list of the main factors leading to a decrease in temperature in children.

  1. Fortunately, the most common cause of hypothermia in children is the constitutional features of the body. In young children, thermoregulation is imperfect, and body temperature may not correspond to the norm of an adult. Most often, the temperature drop in these children is noted at night, and this is normal. Observe the child: if at a low temperature of about 35 ° C he does not have weakness, apathy or any other manifestations of discomfort, most likely there is no cause for concern here.
  2. Often after the transferred diseases, in particular, ARVI, the temperature of a body at any person decreases. The temperature at the child during this period can go down even below 35 ° С and to keep on such mark some days. You should consult a doctor if the temperature does not return to normal for a long time.
  3. Episodic decrease in body temperature in a child can be a consequence of hypothermia. If your little child simply freezes on a winter walk, his body temperature will drop for a while. If this happens, put a warm coat on the baby, cover it with a warm blanket, water warm, closer to hot tea or broth. You can also use a heating pad.
  4. In an infant, a body temperature of 35 ° C may be a consequence of birth trauma or prematurity. In this case, of course, it is necessary to monitor doctors.
  5. Psychological problems: depression, apathy - can cause a decrease in temperature in the child, as they cause a slowdown in all metabolic processes in the body. The attentive parent should notice the prolonged bad mood of the child and try to help, if not in person, then with the help of a child psychologist or psychotherapist.
  6. Very often, the temperature below 36 ° C in a child signals problems with the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. If you suspect such problems with your child, if the family has a hereditary predisposition to them, and also, if you live in the iodine deficiency region, be sure to visit the children's endocrinologist. The doctor will conduct a special examination, consisting of ultrasound and thyroid hormone tests, and if necessary, prescribe treatment (at an early age it reduces, as a rule, to taking iodine preparations).
  7. The temperature of about 35 ° C in a child can talk about weak immunity. It is necessary to try to activate the protective forces of the child's body. If the adjustment of the child's lifestyle: proper nutrition, sufficient vitamins, outdoor exercise, physical activity - does not lead to a normalization of the temperature, it is worth turning to the immunologist.
  8. Sometimes the cause of low body temperature in a child can be serious diseases, including cancer. Regular examinations of the child, knowledge of predisposing factors are very important, because those found at an early stage of the disease in our time, fortunately, give in to treatment.