Nervous tick in children - treatment

Despite the fact that the symptoms of nervous tics in children are very frightening to parents, treatment of this disease in 90% of cases is successful. This panic is justified, because obsessive involuntary muscular contractions, which manifest themselves in a lightning speed, distort the child's face beyond recognition, cause the arm or leg to make ridiculous movements. If teens can still control ticks (although not for long), then two-year-olds can not do it.

Types of tics

There are three types of ticks:

Each of these species can manifest itself in a simple form, when a tick hits one muscle, complex (in the muscle group) and generalized (a set of several types of tics). Often, children do not notice strangeness in their own behavior and well-being, but it's immediately apparent to those around them. More sensitive babies can foresee that just about certain muscles will start to twitch, so at a subconscious level they can overcome a tick. And some children, sensing an attack, panic, are nervous, which leads to an increase in muscle contractions. It should be noted that this disease is always accompanied by a decrease in attention, memory impairment and performance. The child becomes restless, capricious, may become depressed.


Why do ticks occur in children, do they go away on their own? A unique answer can only be given by a doctor, since each case is individual. But common causes do exist. They are divided into psychogenic (primary) and symptomatic (secondary). The first include:

Symptomatic causes can be hereditary, and acquired as a result of diseases:

To cure tics in a child, as practice shows, it is necessary to establish exactly their cause. It is often enough to create a friendly and calm environment around the baby. Do not interfere and counseling therapist. And, to parents - too!

How to treat teak in emotional, overbred children? Most doctors are inclined to homeopathic medicines . The fact is that a prolonged intake of classical sedative sedative medications can aggravate the situation. And homeopathy treatment for ticks in children is absolutely harmless. However, in this case, a consultation of an experienced homeopath is needed, because there are dozens of such drugs!