Pyoderma in children

A serious attitude towards the child's hygiene is a guarantee that many health problems can be avoided. This also applies to skin diseases - dermatitis, which have a large number of varieties. The most common of these in children (especially in newborns) is the pyoderma. Pyoderma is called a purulent skin lesion. It is a group of diseases that are caused by pyogenic microorganisms when they are introduced into the skin. Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, pneumococcus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa are classified as causative agents of skin lesions. It is important for parents to know about pyoderma, as it is transmitted: it happens when you have direct contact with the sick and infected objects.

Pyoderma in children: causes

The main cause of this disease in children is non-compliance with hygiene rules. In particular, this applies to pyoderma in newborns, which can occur due to prolonged contact of the skin with urine and feces, the remains of dried milk or a mixture, accumulation of sweat and dust on the body, hives and diaper rash. Purulent skin lesions can occur in babies whose umbilical wounds do not heal well. The fact is that the protective forces of the infant are not completed, and its skin is very thin and has good absorbency. Due to unfavorable factors, microtraumas appear, through which pathogenic microbes easily penetrate.

Other causes of pyoderma include:

Pyoderma in children: symptoms

The disease begins with the appearance of redness on the skin of the child. Over time, in their place, bubbles with purulent contents are formed. After they burst, the place of the bubbles are crusted. In general, the symptoms of pyoderma depend on its type. So, with vesiculopustule, which appears with a droppick, there are rashes in the form of vesicles on the trunk, scalp, folds. With a slit-like impetigo, pustules form in the corners of the mouth (the so-called "zaeda"), the wings of the nose. Streptococcal impetigo arises from combs of insect bites, dermatitis, scabies. With pseudofurunculosis, the rashes look like seals, possibly a fever. Diaper dermatitis appears due to non-compliance with the hygiene of the newborn, characterized by rashes on the genitals and buttocks, sores. With trichophytosis - pyoderma of the scalp - ulcers on the skin and hair follicles are formed, peeling is possible.

Pyoderma in children: treatment

Therapy with pyoderma is performed externally or systemically - depending on the form and type of the disease. However, it is important to adhere to 3 rules:

  1. Do not wet the affected skin.
  2. Shear hair in places of rashes.
  3. Observe the hygiene of the child.

When pyoderma in newborns, treatment, on the contrary, implies regular baths with the addition of potassium permanganate. For detection of the pathogen bacteriological culture is surrendered. If the area of ​​rashes is small and abscesses are poorly expressed, antibacterial and antifungal ointments (triderm, dioxidine, ichthyol ointment, clotrimazole), creams, antiseptic solutions (salicylic acid, manganese, zelenka) are applied externally.

At extensive rashes and deterioration of state of health of the child antibacterial therapy - erythromycin, a macrolide, tetracycline, a doxycycline, etc. are appointed or nominated.

In addition, to strengthen the immunity prescribed multivitamins.

It is used in the mild form of pyoderma treatment with folk remedies in the form of compresses with aloe juice, potatoes, yarrow broths, burdock root, Vaseline jelly and crushed celery leaves.

Prevention of pyoderma consists in observing the rules of hygiene, nutrition, immediate processing of microtraumas of the skin, as well as in isolation of patients.