Didactic games for preschoolers

Didactic are games that take place in the form of training sessions. They are distinguished by the existence of rules, the evaluation system, and the structure of the game activity.

Each mother will be able to play such games with the child herself. Fortunately, the amount of information available will help her to become familiar with the process of the game. As an aid can serve as card files with a variety of didactic games for preschoolers, which can be purchased in stores or made independently. We offer you several games of this kind that your kid will surely like.

"A chain of examples"

To the number of didactic games in mathematics, which will be of interest to the preschooler, one can include the "Chain of Examples". Mom will need to stand in front of the child and throw him the ball. For convenience, it is better to choose the largest room in the house or play on the street. Each pz, throwing the ball, you need to call a simple arithmetic problem, for example "2 + 3". When the child passes the ball back, he must say the answer.

Didactic games with chopsticks

Of course, for older preschoolers it is necessary to select more complex didactic games. Pre-mother should tell him about what are the geometric figures. For the game you will need counting sticks or simple matches. Ask the child to make two squares of equal size, using seven sticks. Or by means of five sticks make two equal triangles and one square. Increasing the number of chopsticks to nine, suggest him to make two squares and four identical triangles. There are a lot of such variations of didactic games for preschool children. It is important to choose the appropriate material.

Didactic game "My Day"

Also for the senior preschoolers the didactic game "My day" will approach. The goal of the game is to teach children to explain, and also to prove their point of view. Mom will need several sets of cards, which depict different moments of the regime (for example, sleep, lunch, walk, etc.). Arrange them sequentially in accordance with the regime and explain to the child why they are laid out this way. In the form of a task, you can ask him to continue the series or correct the error. It is important that the child could explain each of his actions.

"Cheerful Cube"

In order for a child to get knowledge in the field of music, you can also use games. The musical and didactic game "Cheerful Cube" is intended, both for preschoolers younger and older. To begin with, mum needs to prepare cubes with images of musical instruments. The child, throwing a cube, should say its name. You can also ask him to show how he would play on it. In addition, cubes can be pasted with images of animals. Let's say if he catches a cat, you can ask him how she meows.

"Three flowers"

Another musical and didactic game for preschoolers is "Three Flowers". Cut out three flowers from cardboard, in the center of which draw a face: crying, cheerful or sleeping (other options are possible). For each of them, the mother should pick up the appropriate music, and the child subsequently guess what flower it is suitable for.

"Guess a riddle"

Among the didactic games, which are very informative for younger preschoolers, one can distinguish "Guess a riddle". Its purpose is to show children dangerous items. Mom picks up the appropriate puzzles and images of objects. After the puzzle has been guessed, the child should be asked to tell why this thing is dangerous.

Didactic educational games for preschoolers help to expand their understanding of the world around them. They teach the child to observe, and then highlight the characteristic features of each subject. For example, their size, color or shape. In addition, teaching didactic games-classes for preschool children contribute to the application of the acquired knowledge in practice. And in the future, such skills will act as the basis for successful training.