Egg rolling

Rolling out an egg is a fairly common way of getting rid of negative influence from the side. Many rituals of removing damage are based on transferring negative energy to an object. By the way, the egg for this is chosen, quite, not by chance, since it has the right form, and yet it is associated with death and life. In addition, this product symbolizes the unity of the soul and the universe.

How to self-roll the egg?

To perform the ritual, you need to take the most fresh egg, a glass of water and a church candle, which you need to light. Egg take in the right hand and several times roll them on the head of the man clockwise and go to the back, where also make a few circles. Rolling out spoilage with eggs should be accompanied by reading the prayer "Our Father". After that, the person from whom the spoilage was removed should independently break the egg with his hands without any objects and pour the contents into a glass of water. If the protein and yolk have fallen to the bottom, and there are no protein filaments, then there is no damage. When a protein separates, darkens, or has any other anomalies in the glass, this is evidence of some kind of energy interference from the side. To remove the spoilage is also necessary with the help of the egg and the ritual considered above. To conduct it is recommended daily for a week, while constantly monitoring the condition of the protein. Egg with water should be poured into the toilet, and the glass after the spoilage is removed, you need to throw it away. If the signs of spoilage are still visible in a week, stop the ritual and take a break, as this can negatively affect the energy status of a person. Again, rituals can be performed a month later. To enhance the result, it is recommended to put a glass with an egg under the bed at the head of the bed.

Egg Dumping Procedure

For the ritual, it is worth using the same items and sacred icons. A person with a problem needs to be planted in front of an icon on a stool and light a candle beside it. Use the egg thoroughly in cold water and give it to the patient. After this, start driving the egg first on the head and go to the back, the right arm, chest, stomach, left arm and then to the feet. First do it from the front, and then repeat from behind. Rolling egg disease should be accompanied by reading a conspiracy , say in a whisper:

"Have mercy, O Lord, over your servant (name),

Mother born,

The church is baptized, I am blessed.

Take off his egg with all his agony and illness,

For this egg is given power and joy

Through the Resurrection of Your Passover.

And how people rejoice at a colored testicle,

So give the servant of God (name), Lord,

Joy and health.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".