Edgar Cayce - predictions

Despite the fact that it's been a long time, Edgar Cayce's predictions are very popular and are on hearing. His abilities as a clairvoyant received in his childhood and since then he began to help a huge number of people. Many believed in his strength after the traces on his body coincided with the wounds of the crucified Jesus. People thought that this is a divine sign, indicating the great ability of Casey. The clairvoyant hired a special stenographer who wrote down all his prophecies, and many of them turned out to be truthful.

The most famous predictions of Edgar Cayce

  1. One of the significant prophecies made by clairvoyants concerned the death of American presidents. As early as 1939, Edgar said that in the history of America there will be two presidents who will leave during life, still in office. As you know, it happened, and Roosevelt and Kennedy were killed.
  2. One of the predictions of Edgar Cayce, made by him in 1932, seemed unrealistic, and it was more like a fairy tale, because it concerned Jews, who at that time were treated with great antipathy. The clairvoyant said that the promised land will soon belong to the chosen people, and it happened, because Israel appeared on the map.
  3. In 1935, Casey said that the world should prepare for serious upheavals and a year later a war broke out in Israel, and then there were clashes in China and Ethiopia.
  4. They touched upon the prophecies of Casey and Hitler, to whom he predicted the fate of the dictator, though short-lived.
  5. The predictions of the American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce also touched the climate. He said that the poles will shift and the climate will become different. Prophecy is coming true, and so far many people say about global warming. These are the most significant predictions that have become reality.

Predictions of the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce

The prophecies given to the known clairvoyant do not have a time frame, and they can come true in 5 and 100 years from now. In his predictions for the twenty-first century, Casey pointed out that the world will have to survive a huge number of man-made and man-made disasters. If you look through the news bulletins, you can say that his words partly become a reality, as the number of earthquakes, floods, tsunamis has significantly increased. Casey said that numerous floods will change the world map, for example, most of Japan and almost all of Europe will be under water, but other parts of the earth will appear on the surface. They will touch on the catastrophe and the territory of America. All this will negatively affect the economic situation of many countries.

Many of Edgar Cayce's predictions about the near future also concern Russia. During his lifetime the clairvoyant said that the mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the reality of relations between people, replacing egoism and materialism with love and wisdom . In his prophecies, Casey said, that the main hope of the world is a free and religious Russia.

One of the unlikely, but interesting prophecies concerns the unification of the Soviet Union. Thanks to cooperation with America, it will eventually be possible to restore the world balance. Also, Casey said that natural disasters will not affect the territory of Russia, and this will make its territory very attractive for life. The most popular zone will be Western Siberia. This is due to the fact that many minerals will be concentrated here, and this is a favorable base for the economy.

Predictions about Ukraine and Belarus and the Baltic countries are considered by many to be untrue, since these states did not exist during the life of Casey, so predictions concerning Russia spread to these territories.