13 inveterate deceivers among famous personalities

It is difficult to find a man who would never lie in his life. There are liars among celebrities who sometimes embellish information for themselves. Let's find out who they are.

For show business stars it is important to create a good image that will not repel fans. For this, sometimes celebrities go to a lie, which, to their regret, sometimes opens up, causing unpleasant consequences. Let's find out which of the popular people lied about their own person.

1. Nicky Minage

Most often the stars deceive about their age, and among them was the singer Nicky Minage, who convinced everyone that she was two years younger than her real year.

2. Lindsay Lohan

Scandalous actress often gets into different unpleasant situations and gets out of them as best she can. In June 2012, Lohan had an accident, but told the police that the driver was her assistant, because she herself was in a state of intoxication. The investigation proved that Lindsay was behind the wheel. As a result, she had to perform public works, undergo rehabilitation in the clinic, and her probationary period was extended for another two years.

3. Angelina Jolie

In one interview, the actress told that she has Indian roots, and at that time no one doubted her words. This information was denied by the celebrity father. Journalists suggested that by this deception, Jolie wanted to add her exotic personality.

4. Britney Spears

For a long time at the beginning of her career, the singer told that she is a virgin, and millions of her fans believed it. After a while, Spears confessed that she was deprived of her virginity by Justin Timberlake, and her mother wrote in her memoirs that her daughter had the first sex in school.

5. Jennifer Lopez

At the beginning of her career, the singer wanted to appear younger, so she actively disseminated information that she was born in 1970. When she was in a relationship with Pi Diddy, the truth was revealed, and Lopez was born in 1969. Only one year, and the residue remained ...

6. Tiger Woods

American golfer for a long time denied that the publication of his betrayal of his wife is a lie, but it turned out the opposite. Only a year later Tiger admitted that he was suffering from sexism. This ruined his family and adversely affected his sports career.

7. Victoria Beckham

The former member of the legendary group Spice Girls denied that she had performed plastic surgery, although only the blind did not notice her enlarged chest. She assured me that all this properly picked up underwear, but after a while admitted that the operation was still there.

8. Kim Kardashian

The owner of the most famous priests likes to deceive, so, to the public, she lied about her own age and numerous plastic operations. One of the scandals in her life is also connected with deception. She lied to her boyfriend Nick Cannon that there is no sex video that everyone around said. As a result, it seeped into the Internet and caused the pair to part.

9. Paris Hilton

A secular lioness likes to say beautiful words that are sometimes far from reality. An example is the situation where after the conclusion on the show of Larry King Hilton said that from now on it will be corrected, tied with bad habits and will be engaged in charity. None of the promised Paris never did.

10. Miley Cyrus

In 2013, the singer gave an interview to a well-known magazine Cosmopolitan, during which she reported that she recently became a wife, stepping out for her boyfriend actor Liam Hemsworth. After a while, the press found out that it was a duck.

11. Chris Brown

With the singer is associated a scandalous situation, related to his former lover Rihanna. In 2009, Chris came to the show of Larry King, where he publicly apologized for all the insults towards the singer, but he insisted that there was no violence, and he did not touch her. After a while it was proved that he still beat Rihanna.

12. Pi Diddy

Some stars often go on deception to create in opinion of the public opinion that they are rich and can afford anything they want. For example, the bench for a long time told that owns a private plane, but in the end it turned out to be a fake.

13. Whoopi Goldberg

Another actress who lied about her age, but she had an important reason for this. At the beginning of his career, Whoopi on the samples showed a fake ID, in which the date of birth was incorrect. Whoopi was sure that she was too young, because of this, she might not be taken to the cinema, so she decided to cheat.

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One could say that this is a lie for good, but more like a benefit. We doubt that if the stars immediately spoke the truth, it would somehow negatively affect their life and popularity.