How to restore the aura?

Our aura is a biofield surrounding each person, energy centers, having the main concentration in the seven chakras . The color of the aura depends on which of the centers prevails. In a healthy person, the flow of energy is harmonious, its aura resembles the shape of an egg. But sometimes you can observe the characteristic twists or breakdown in the aura. Through these holes there is a gradual leakage of energy, which inevitably affects the well-being. Fortunately, our biofield can be regenerated, just like the tissues of the physical body. And today we will talk about how to restore the aura.

Purification of the aura by prayers

Prayer is one of the most powerful medicines for a wounded soul. At the moment of listening or reading prayers, micro-discharge processes pass through our body, which release additional energy, and also connect the energy of the biofield with the quantum divine energy. Thus, our bio-field expands and thickens, purification and restoration of the aura occurs. It is interesting that the prayers of different religions have about the same force of impact on each person, regardless of his religion.

To clean and restore the aura, resort to the method of prayer at least three times a day. It is best to read the main prayer of your religion seven times - it is the sevenfold repetition that saturates and purifies the aura as much as possible. If you are not committed to any of the religions, recognizing that God is one, then read the seven canonical prayers for different religions. A burning candle enhances the effect. Finish the ritual with prayer-gratitude. After all, in a world of constant accusations, we often forget to thank the universe for being existing.

Other methods of cleaning the aura:

Which option would you not choose, do not forget that to maintain the health and integrity of the aura is very important to "work your soul." Feel positive emotions, love yourself, practice gratitude - and you will be rewarded!