How correctly to talk?

The correct pronunciation of words, beautifully and competently formulated sentences, as well as the ability to communicate with people determine a person as a person . Psychologists have proved that 25% of the first impression of a person depends on his ability to competently speak, which is why it is important to know how to talk properly and beautifully.

How to learn to talk with people correctly?

Let's try to figure out how to learn to speak competently, culturally and correctly:

  1. Do not use slang words . This problem is inherent in the younger generation. Young people are so used to using slang words in their lives that they can involuntarily take advantage of them, for example, in an interview with the company of their dreams, which in turn can spoil the impression of employers.
  2. Always place the accent correctly! Agree it is not very pleasant to listen to a disjointed speech with a wrong pronunciation of words. The most common mistake is the word "rings". So, a literate person will never say "zvonit", he will put stress on the second syllable.
  3. Get rid of the words-parasites . Have you ever noticed how your interlocutor constantly used in his speech parasitic words like "shorter", "like", "type", etc.? Agree, it is not very pleasant to listen to a story abounding in such words. To make your speech literate and pleasant by ear, you will need about two weeks. The most important thing is to really set a goal to get rid of this bad habit!
  4. Constantly refill your vocabulary . To once again not be silent and not to babble, in search of suitable words, try to read more and communicate with people. A competent person always has something to say, it is pleasant to listen to him and with him, which is really important, it is pleasant to communicate.
  5. Do not use foreign words in speech . Often, if a person has to deal with other languages ​​on duty, he begins to use foreign words in his speech. In this case, you need to be especially careful when dealing with other people.

How correctly to talk on the phone?

Competent, correct communication of a person on the phone, speaks about the degree of his mental development and upbringing. A person at the other end of the wire will not be able to appreciate your appearance, but in a manner of communication will be a certain image for yourself. And it is important that this very image reflects only your positive features.

So, to properly speak on the phone, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Business negotiations should start in the morning. The best time to schedule a meeting or discuss important details is from 10am to 13pm. At this time, our body is activated and emits positive energy.
  2. Gently dial the phone number, otherwise you run the risk of getting on the hamovatogo interlocutor, and this can spoil the mood.
  3. When you get through to the other person, do not try to immediately tell him everything you need. First introduce yourself, let the person at that end understand who is talking to him. Be sure to tell which organization you are from and specify how it is best to address the interlocutor and whether it is convenient for him to talk now. And after you voice the essence of your call.
  4. Speak with feeling, with alignment. Remember that the intonation with which you pronounce the words is often much more effective than the words themselves.
  5. Do not hesitate to say compliments to the interlocutor, and always remember that the telephone conversation is a dialogue, and you need to be given the opportunity to insert words and the interlocutor too.

To learn the right way, communicate with people and bosses, it is important to learn how to talk without using slang expressions, parasitic words and with the correct arrangement of punctuation marks.